Shadow Prowler

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Shadow Prowler
Slayer Difficulty Gold Value Hits Melee Damage Wrestling Armor Magic Resist
Beastial 219.6 2,196 14,000 60 - 70 140 50 25
Parry Attack Speed Magery Spell Damage Poison Poison Resist Stealth AI
25 ? Melee
Location: Kraul Hive

Tameable Creature Stats

Attack Class
Attack Class
Shadow Prowler
Min Taming Control Slots Hits Class Melee Damage Armor Wrestling
120 4 400 Attack 58 - 76 50 90
Attack Speed Magic Resist Poison Resist Special Resist Poison Poisoning Stealth Underdog Scalar
? 50 1

Follower Abilities

Ability Type Description
Elusive Form Innate Creature has an innate 25 parry skill against melee attacks.
Shadowstrikes Innate Melee attacks ignore 33% of target's armor.
Frenzy Passive Has a 15% chance on melee attack to increase attack speed by 10% for 30 seconds (cannot stack).

Tamed Stats and Skills

  • Tamed Creatures will automatically receive scalar bonuses to Stats and Skills applied at each level
  • Followers only use one form of combat, Melee or Spells, each follower's combat type is listed as either "Melee Damage" or "Spell Damage" in their Animal Lore page to indicate this
Stat Increment Per Level Up to a Maximum of
Hits +10% +100%
Attack Speed +2.5% +25%
Wrestling +5.0% +50%
Armor +2.5 +25
Magic Resist +5.0 +50
Poisoning +2.5% +25%