Shadowspire Cathedral Rares

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Boss Rares

Gargoyle Primogen

Gilded Standing Reliquary

Ruined Ankh

Skeletal Canopy Reliquary

Skull Cradle Reliquary

Wrought Iron Chandelier

Collectable Card
Gargoyle Primogen

Mini Boss Rares

Gargoyle Archon

Ankh Crested Urn

Divine Candelabra

Melted Wax Candelabra

Mirror Reliquary

Shadowspire Gargoyle Statue

Collectable Card
Gargoyle Archon

Other Rares

Shadowspire Cathedral Dungeon Seed

Nightshade Plant


Witch Iris

Shadowspire Cathedral

Shadowspire Cathedral
Holiday Bell

Shadowspire Cathedral

Collectable Card

Shadowspire Cathedral Cloth (2093)

Shadowspire Tapestry A

Shadowspire Tapestry B

Shadowspire Tapestry C

Shadowspire Tapestry D