Skeletal Mage

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Skeletal Mage
Slayer Difficulty Gold Value Hits Melee Damage Wrestling Armor Magic Resist
Undead 15.4 154 1,000 10 - 20 65 25 75
Parry Attack Speed Magery Spell Damage Poison Poison Resist Stealth AI
? 50 10 - 20 Mage
Location: Ossuary

Summonable Creature Stats

Summon Creature (Necro Pool 3)
Summon Creature
(Necro Pool 3)

Vengeful Spirit
Vengeful Spirit
Skeletal Mage
Spell Control Slots Hits Spell Damage Armor Wrestling
Summon Creature 1 150 7 - 9 25 50
Attack Speed Magic Resist Poison Resist Special Resist Poison Poisoning Stealth
? 75

Scaled Summon Stats

Skeletal Mage
Stat Spirit Speak Skill
Base 80 100 120 150
Hits 150 330 375 420 487.5
Attack Speed 0 0 0 0 0
Spell Damage 7 - 9 9.8 - 12.6 10.5 - 13.5 11.2 - 14.4 12.25 - 15.75
Wrestling 50 70 75 80 87.5
Armor 25 45 50 55 62.5
Magic Resist 75 115 125 135 150