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Points 0 to 125,000 125,000 to 250,000 250,000 to 500,000 500,000 to 1,000,000 More than 1,000,000
Karma Greater than 1,000,000 Trustworthy Estimable Great Glorious Glorious Lord/Lady
500,000 to 1,000,000 Honest Commendable Famed Illustrious Illustrious Lord/Lady
250,000 to 500,000 Good Honorable Admirable Noble Noble Lord/Lady
125,000 to 250,000 Kind Respectable Proper Eminent Eminent Lord/Lady
62,500 to 125,000 Fair Upstanding Reputable Distinguished Distinguished Lord/Lady
-62,500 to 62,500 No Title Notable Prominent Renowned Lord/Lady
-125,000 to -62,500 Rude Disreputable Notorious Infamous Dishonored Lord/Lady
-250,000 to -125,000 Unsavory Dishonorable Ignoble Sinister Sinister Lord/Lady
-500,000 to -250,000 Scoundrel Malicious Vile Villainous Dark Lord/Lady
-1,000,000 to -500,000 Despicable Dastardly Wicked Evil Evil Lord/Lady
More than -1,000,000 Outcast Wretched Nefarious Dread Dread Lord/Lady