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Archer Tamer (720 Skillpoints)

100 Strength
100 Dexterity
  25 Intelligence

120 Animal Taming
120 Animal Lore
100 Archery
100 Tactics
100 Veterinary
 100 Herding
  80 Arms Lore

  • Playstyle: Heal Tank Pet while other Pets kill and you do damage with a bow using Arcane stance for accuracy.
  • Gear Recommendations: Bow or 1-Handed Xbow, optionally using a shield.
  • Book/Codice/Kit Requirements: Archery Codex, Taming Bestiary
  • Aspect Recommendations: Command
  • Link Recommendations: Follower Damage, Follower Attack Speed, Melee Aspect Special Chance, Damage to Dungeon Slayer
  • Misc: Pet Recommendation: All pets are good, however something that reduces armor is advised for more melee pet/archery damage
  •           See weekly Zoology bonuses