Utility Class Upgrades
Ability Name
Ability Description (Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3)
Beast Sting
If any of your creatures has Poison or Disease active on target, increases Damage of Melee Attacks by (10% / 20% / 30%) if creature can inflict Poison or Disease effects Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if creature cannot inflict Poison or Disease effects
Melee Attacks and Spellcasts ignore (22% / 44% / 66%) of target's Armor and Magic Resist
If creature has Disease active on target, Melee Attacks have a (10% / 20% / 30%) chance to restore 12.5% of Max Health (up to once every 15 seconds) Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if creature cannot inflict Disease effects
Increases the Damage of Disease effects by (33% / 66% / 100%) Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if creature cannot inflict Disease effects
If any of your creatures has Poison or Disease active on target, the target will receive a stackable (1% / 2% / 3%) Damage Penalty against the Tamer and their Followers for each Control Slot worth of Utility-class creatures that can inflict Poison or Disease effects Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if creature cannot inflict Poison or Disease effects
Damage of Chill Abilities increased by (15% / 30% / 45%) and amount of Chill effect applied increased by (33% / 66% / 100%) of normal Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if creature cannot inflict Chill effects
Successful Melee Attacks will restore (0.66% / 1.33% / 2.0%) of Max Health Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if already at Max Health
Melee and Spell Damage increased by (20%, 40%, 60%) if creature has applied an Entangle or Hinder effect to the target within last 10 seconds Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if creature cannot inflict Entangle or Hinder effects
When creature's Pierce or Hex effects expire on a target, will inflict (DamageMax * (0.5 / 1.0 / 1.5)) Damage onto them which ignores Armor Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if creature cannot inflict Pierce or Hex effects
If creature has a Weaken or Cripple effect on target, their Tamer will receive a ((1.5% / 3% / 4.5%) * Control Slots) Damage Bonus (stackable) against the target Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if creature cannot inflict these effects
The next Melee Attack or Spellcast within 10 seconds after using a Cooldown Ability will have its Damage increased by (33% / 66% / 100%) Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if creature does not have a Cooldown Ability
If any of your creatures has Poison or Disease active on target, their Tamer will receive a stackable (1% / 2% / 3%) Damage Bonus against the target for each Control Slot worth of Utility-class creatures that can inflict Poison or Disease effects Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if creature cannot inflict Poison or Disease effects