Town Struggles Temp
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- Domination style matches where players capture and control points to earn
- There are many different Town Struggle locations, which determines what town players will fight within, as well as the placement of Control Zones / Respawn Zones for the event
- Murderers who die while participating in a Town Struggle are not subject to resurrection fees
Participating in a Town Struggle
- In order to participate in a Town Struggle, players must enter a Faction Base Moongate
- Players cannot use Incognito, Polymorph, or Disguise Kits during all PvP Events, and any effects will be removed upon joining one
- Faction Base Moongates pop up in all towns 15 minutes prior to a Town Struggle beginning
- When players enter the green Battle Moongates that appear in every town before a Town Struggle starts, they will be warped into a single Neutral Base, that will serve as a "lobby" for players to wait inside of until the event starts
ELO Rating
Every player has a Seasonal and Lifetime ELO Rating tracked for them for Town Struggles that begins at 800
- ELO Ratings for players will increase/decrease based on how many Reward Points they earn during the event
- Increases/decreases to ELO Ratings will also scale based on the Average ELO Rating of their opposing team
- Changes in ELO Ratings for players will be calculated after Team MVP Voting has completed (explained later)
ELO Rating adjustments will occur as follows:
- Players who earn 0-1 Reward Points will lose ELO Rating
- Players who earn 2 Reward Points will increase or decrease ELO Rating a small amount depending on their rating compared to Average ELO rating of opposing team
- Players who earn 3 Reward Points will have a moderate increase in ELO Rating
- layers who earn 4 or more Reward Points will have a substantial increase in ELO Rating
ELO Drift
- At the start of every week, every player who has ever participated in a Town Struggle will have their Lifetime ELO Rating perform a small "drift" amount towards 800 (i.e. players above 800 will drop slightly and players below 800 will rise slightly)
- ELO Drift is designed to prevent players from simply "sitting" on a high lifetime ELO rating forever and abstaining from the event, and conversely it will slowly return a low lifetime ELO rating player back towards an average rating, if inactive
Team Balancing via "Snake Draft" format
At the start of the event, all participants will be put into a pool and organized from highest ELO Rating down to lowest ELO Rating
- The highest ELO Rating player will be initially chosen to the first team
- Then the next two highest ELO Rating players will be placed onto the second team
- Then the next two highest ELO Rating players will be placed onto the first team
- This will then repeat in pairs of 2 until all players have been placed on teams (this is referred to as a "Snake Draft")
- Team Balancing automatically occurs the moment the event starts, and players are immediately warped into a team base only accessible by their new teammates
- Players will then have a 60 second wait before they can spawn into the event, which is intended to give time for players to get familiar with their new teammates and potentially join Discord Voice Channels and discuss strategy (we will make Order/Chaos channels available for teams, similar to Stygian Rifts handling in Discord)
Team Sizes and Multiple Towns (Matches)
Town Struggles are now set to split players into multiple Matches that will occur simultaneously at different towns (Prevalia, Cambria, Andaria) if participation numbers in the event exceed certain thresholds
- If the event has 1-24 participants, there will be 1 match that will occur in a single town
- If the event has 25-48 participants, there will be 2 simultaneous matches that will occur in two different towns
- If the event has 49 or more participants, there will be 3 simultaneous matches that will occur in three different towns
- Essentially, the system tries to make 12 vs 12 matches, and if the number of players per team would exceed that, it will split players up to use additional towns and then divide the players as evenly as possible amongst the teams need to achieve balanced numbers
Discord Voice Channels
- There are now 6 new Discord Voice channels that correspond to Order/Chaos teams for each of the 3 possible cities for Town Struggles that players can join into once they have been assigned a Town + Team for the event, so they can coordinate with their newly assigned teammates
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Match Results
- Because there will now potentially be multiple Town Struggle matches occuring simultaneously, the Battle Records menu will now show "Previous Event" handling for Town Struggles on a per-match basis, with players able to use the Left/Right Arrow Buttons below "Displaying Town" to switch between the different Matches that occurred for each town
- If the player participated in that Match (town) the town name will will display in Green text and the Faction Stats will be displayed in Green (their faction) and Orange (opposing faction)
- In addition to Team Scores being displayed for each faction, players can also see the "Average ELO" Rating of each faction's players for that Match (town)
- Players can now see their Seasonal ELO Rating and Lifetime ELO Rating in the Battle Records Menu
Reward Points
Team MVP
- After a Town Struggle match ends, each Team (Order/Chaos) will have an opportunity to vote for a "Team MVP" amongst players on their team
- The player with the highest vote total will receive an additional Reward Point and Battle Commendation
- If an equal number of players receive the same vote total, the Team MVP will be randomized among them
- Team MVP is intended as a way for teams to reward a member of their team for doing "thankless" jobs such as Target Calling or other Support Roles
- Players can click the "View Event Battle Record" to launch the Battle Record page for their now finished match to see the stats for the match
- Team MVP will be determined once all players on the team have voted or if 5 minutes have passed since the event ended
- Once Team MVP has been determined for both Teams (Order/Chaos), ELO Ratings for players in the match will now be recalculated (since all possible Reward Points have now been distributed, and ELO Ratings are adjusted based on Reward Points earned per player)
Top Healer
- The player on each team that provided the most Healing to other players on their team will now receive a bonus Reward Point and Battle Commendation
Control Slots
- Players during Town Struggles will now have 0 Control Slots available to them
- Therefore unable to command Tamed/Summoned Pets)
- "Control Slots Used" will no longer display on the in-event Town Struggle Menu
More Details
- Players who participate in a Town Struggle, but spend 10 minutes or more AFK in a Town Struggle Base or outside of the Town Struggle town area, will be kicked from the event (and ejected from the base if currently inside one) and their account will be blocked from participating in further Town Struggles for the next 48 hours
- After a Town Struggle has resolved, all players will be automatically ejected from any Town Struggles bases once 15 minutes have passed, and teleported to either Prevalia (if blue) or Corpse Creek (if red)
- Anyone logging into a Town Struggle Base while a Town Struggle is not underway will be ejected to town (Prevalia for blues, Corpse Creek for reds)