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==The History of Pulma==
==The History of Pulma==
Before detailing why the most unholy of daemonic machines may lurk far below the depths of these waters, I will first start by sharing some of the known history of Pulma.
Due to the location of the Dam, it is not entirely clear whether it falls under the jurisdiction of Prevalia or Andaria (being located betwixt the two nations). I believe this structure was built after the unification of Upper and Lower Prevalia, when the Prevalian Emperor was keen on expanding influence and land-ownership (perhaps somewhere between 250 AC and 270 AC). The great Dam of Pulma was initially created by Prevalian craftsmen with the intention of preventing the flooding of the northern Prevalian lands. It was intimated that the Andarians were not particularly pleased with this, as it removed a natural barrier between Prevalia and themselves. In the wake of Pulma’s construction, Andaria created the Andarian Gate that separates the two lands. As such, the Dungeon of Pulma is not terribly old, at least not in comparison to areas such as Mount Petram and the Ossuary, which are quite ancient.  
Due to the location of the Dam, it is not entirely clear whether it falls under the jurisdiction of Prevalia or Andaria (being located betwixt the two nations), and I suspect it is a bit of a point of contention.
Although there are no easy-to-find records, I believe this structure was built after the unification of Upper and Lower Prevalia, when the Prevalian Emperor was keen on expanding influence and land-ownership (perhaps somewhere between 250 AC and 270 AC). The great Dam of Pulma was initially created by Prevalian craftsmen with the intention of preventing the flooding of the northern Prevalian lands. It was intimated that the Andarians were not particularly pleased with this, as it removed a natural barrier between Prevalia and themselves. In the wake of Pulma’s construction, Andaria created the Andarian Gate that separates the two lands.
As such, the Dungeon of Pulma is not terribly old, at least not in comparison to areas such as Mount Petram and the Ossuary, which are quite ancient. It begs the question, then, as to what exactly happened between the time it was constructed and now? Why is this place full of creatures and mechanical servants?
Just inside the dam,  you will catch your first glimpses of the “Precursors”. These “people'' are unlike any other that I have borne witness to. A fusion of strange technology and flesh, their primary purpose seems to be the creation and maintenance of mechanical guardian constructs. What they are guarding won’t be discovered unless you travel further down into the depths of Pulma. You will find stronger natural creatures here, as well as the results of the Precursor’s experiments and their machines. You should not travel down this far unless you are extremely capable of defending yourself!
Should you decide to venture down into the deepest depths, you will find a pool in the center of a room. Although this pool is full of drowned dragons (I suspect these are the results of some of the Precursor’s experiments), should you brave them and are capable of holding your breath a good long while, you can traverse further downward in a long aqueduct. A connecting channel will ultimately lead you to the Ancient Drowned Dragon chamber.
This chamber is a mystery to me. The Ancient Drowned Dragon seems to be a fair bit older than the dungeon itself, which raises the questions as to how it got here and why is it here? I have my suspicion that the answers are somehow connected to the most peculiar statue in the center of the northern side of the room. The statue is of the legendary Medusa. What the connection is, I could not say. I found no further evidence or contextual clues that connects the Ancient Drowned Dragon or the Medusa Statue to the rest of Pulma. It is quite possible that the Ancient Drowned Dragon is somehow connected to the statue, but in what way I simply do not know.
You might also discover the Great Sunken Serpent Lair.
It would appear that these great beasts are creatures of opportunity. This great cistern seems entirely untouched by the Precursors; perhaps because it is so well hidden away, or perhaps because they have no need or interest in it. The Great Sunken Serpents created their nest here in isolation.
I would not expect scholars native to only Avadon to recognize the signs of the corruption of Exodus within the halls of the Pulma dam. For the edification of those scholars and any savvy adventurer or explorer who is unaware of Britannian history as it exists among almost all other Shards of the Gem of Immortality, allow me to explain the nature of Exodus.
In Britannia, Exodus (a being created of advanced technology believed to be obtained via time travel) laid dormant beneath the ocean, hidden away after the defeat of Mondain and Minax. It slowly gathered information about the outside world. It slowly learned. Over the course of a few decades, it learned everything it needed to know to emerge and unleash horrors upon the lands of Britannia, ushering in what Britannian historians called the Third Age of Darkness (a time period that Avadon has not experienced, at least not yet).
It is worrying that no evidence of the remains of Exodus had ever been recovered since the fall of Mondain and Minax. This suggests that Exodus still exists within Avadon.
This conclusion leads to the next: The Precursors. For clarification, a “Precursor” is something that comes before whatever is next. The fact that these Precursors have an affinity for, and access to, technology that exists nowhere else in the world greatly leads me to believe that they are the eyes and ears of Exodus. His hands and nose. His senses in which he learns about Avadon. The experiments that they conduct, the observations that they make all allow Exodus to learn, just as he learned in Britannia. There is no doubt in my mind that the sacrifices or offerings made by the Precursor Sorcerers are in the service of Exodus.
I can only hope that I am terribly wrong.

Should you decide to venture down into the deepest depths, you can traverse further downward in a long aqueduct. A connecting channel will ultimately lead you to the Ancient Drowned Dragon chamber.
This chamber is a mystery to me. The Ancient Drowned Dragon seems to be a fair bit older than the dungeon itself, which raises the questions as to how it got here and why is it here?

Revision as of 14:13, 30 March 2022

The History of Pulma

Due to the location of the Dam, it is not entirely clear whether it falls under the jurisdiction of Prevalia or Andaria (being located betwixt the two nations). I believe this structure was built after the unification of Upper and Lower Prevalia, when the Prevalian Emperor was keen on expanding influence and land-ownership (perhaps somewhere between 250 AC and 270 AC). The great Dam of Pulma was initially created by Prevalian craftsmen with the intention of preventing the flooding of the northern Prevalian lands. It was intimated that the Andarians were not particularly pleased with this, as it removed a natural barrier between Prevalia and themselves. In the wake of Pulma’s construction, Andaria created the Andarian Gate that separates the two lands. As such, the Dungeon of Pulma is not terribly old, at least not in comparison to areas such as Mount Petram and the Ossuary, which are quite ancient.

Should you decide to venture down into the deepest depths, you can traverse further downward in a long aqueduct. A connecting channel will ultimately lead you to the Ancient Drowned Dragon chamber. This chamber is a mystery to me. The Ancient Drowned Dragon seems to be a fair bit older than the dungeon itself, which raises the questions as to how it got here and why is it here?

If you want to learn even more about Pulma, you can read the Dungeon Guide by ErikGray who wrote the text above.


Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Mini Boss Room Boss Room Entrance