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Revision as of 20:09, 14 April 2021 by Expo (talk | contribs)
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TraitGroup Slots Taming Hits MinDmg MaxDmg Wrestling Armor Resist
Burdenbeast 2 105 300 24 30 75 75 50
SpellMin SpellMax Poisoning Poison PoisonRst SpecialRst Stealth
33% 33%

DPS Stats

DPS DPS/Slot Avg10Sec High10Sec HighHit uDog uDPS uDPS/Slot uAvg10Sec uHigh10Sec uHighHit
16.84 8.42 168 300 54 0.105 18.61 9.3 186 331 59


Name Type Description
Poison Dig Cooldown Teleports to a location up to 12 tiles away and inflicts (DamageMax * 0.75) damage and applies greater poison against up to 3 targets within 2 tiles (damage is increased by 50% if target already has greater poison or above)

Trait Group

Burdenbeast Trait Group
Level Name Description
2 Predator Increases All Damage by 10%
Survival Increases Damage Resistance by 10%
4 Accuracy Increases Melee Accuracy by 10%
Mender Increases Healing amounts received from Players by 25%
6 Bonebreaker Melee Attacks ignore 25 Armor on target
Mule Becomes a Pack Creature with 50 Stones Capacity per Control Slot
8 Swiftness Increases Attack Speed by 7.5%
Aggression Increases Melee Damage by 7% per Aggroed target (up to 5 targets)
10 Vicious Increases Melee Damage by 20% when target below 66% Hit Points
Mutation Reduces Ability cooldowns by 3 Seconds