Ship Upgrades

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  • Ship Upgrades and Crewmember Contracts do not appear as physical loot in Ship Holds, Boss Creature Corpses, or Salvage Crates (MIBs)
  • Instead, Ship Upgrades and Crewmember Contracts will still occur from those same systems, but they will automatically be attached to player ships as "Pending Salvage" that cannot be accessed until the ship Docks
  • These Upgrades provide beneficial bonuses to various ship stats and abilities

Types of Upgrades


Lesser Abilities

Lesser Abilities
Name Description

Arcane Shot
Fires 8 volleys at +50% Accuracy with scatter radius 1 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 33% of base damage to Hull
  • 33% of base damage to Sails
  • 33% of base damage to Guns
  • 66% of base damage to Creatures and Players, which Ignores Armor

Fires 8 volleys with scatter radius 2 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 50% of base damage to Hull
  • 75% of base damage to Sails
  • 25% of base damage to Guns
  • 50% of base damage to Creatures and Players
  • Any creature or player hit has it's Armor Rating reduced by 25 for 30 seconds

Explosive Ammunition
Fires 4 volleys with scatter radius 2 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 125% of base damage to Hull
  • 75% of base damage to Sails
  • 75% of base damage to Guns
  • 100% of base damage to Creatures and Players

Glass Cannon
Fires 8 volleys with scatter radius 2 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 25% of base damage to Hull
  • 75% of base damage to Sails
  • 50% of base damage to Guns
  • 50% of base damage to Creatures and Players
  • Any Creature or Player hit will also take 100% of base damage in Bleed damage

Hard to Port
[No Cannon Cooldown] Increases ship speed by 20% for the next 15 seconds

Hold Fast
[No Cannon Cooldown] Reduces ship damage taken by 25% and reduces crewmember damage taken by 50% for the next 30 seconds.

[No Cannon Cooldown] Increases accuracy of normal cannonfire by 33% and reduces enemy accuracy against ship by 33% for the next 30 seconds.

Mortar Fire
Fires 4 volleys with scatter radius 3 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 125% of base damage to Hull
  • 125% of base damage to Sails
  • 125% of base damage to Guns
  • 125% of base damage to Creatures and Players

Fires 8 volleys with scatter radius 3 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 50% of base damage to Hull
  • 50% of base damage to Sails
  • 50% of base damage to Guns
  • 50% of base damage to Creatures and Players
  • Reduces ship's cannon Accuracy by 10% for 30 seconds

Swift Reload
[No Cannon Cooldown] Reduces current reloading cooldown to 0 seconds and increases cannon damage by 25% for the next 10 seconds.

Depth Charges
For each cannon your ship has per side, deploys 1 depth charge, which are placed behind the tillerman.
  • Any ship moving over a depth charge will detonate it and take 500 Hull damage.
  • Depth charges last 60 seconds.

Powder Mishap
Targets nearest other Ship within 12 tiles that is currently Reloading and:
  • For each cannon your ship has per side, will deal 300 Hull and 300 Gun damage
  • Each target on board will suffer 3% of max health as damage for each cannon your ship has per side (up to a maximum of 1500 damage)
  • Damage amounts are reduced by 50% if ship has been already hit by powder mishap during the same reloading

Sea Change
[No Cannon Cooldown] Cancels all negative effects on ship and will also ignore movement penalties for 30 seconds
  • Heals each crewmember for 10% health
  • Also cures poison, bleed, and disease for all targets on board.

Regular Abilities

Regular Abilities
Name Description

Beat to Quarters
[No Cannon Cooldown] Increases movement speed by 15% for the next 30 seconds

Boarding Hooks
[No Cannon Cooldown] Increases boarding success chances by 50% and crew bravery by 25% for the next 45 seconds

Boarding Pikes
[No Cannon Cooldown] Prevents enemy boarding for the next 45 seconds

Fires 4 volleys with scatter radius 2 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all ship locations:

  • 50% of base damage to Hull
  • 125% of base damage to Sails
  • 75% of base damage to Guns
  • 75% of base damage to creatures and players
  • Any ship hit will also have it's movement speed reduced by 25% for 10 seconds.

Expedite Repairs
[No Cannon Cooldown] Reduces current cooldown on repairs to 0 seconds

Fires 8 volleys with scatter radius 3 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 25% of base damage to Hull
  • 25% of base damage to Sails
  • 25% of base damage to Guns
  • 75% of base damage to Creatures and Players
  • Will inflict an additional (total hull damage from hits * 2.0) to target ship over 30 seconds

Ghost Fire
Fires 4 volleys at +25% Accuracy with scatter radius 2 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 50% of base damage to Hull
  • 100% of base damage to Sails
  • 100% of base damage to Guns
  • 100% of base damage to Creatures and Players
  • Ignores 100% of creature armor and 50% of player armor

Grapeshot Ammunition
Fires 16 volleys with scatter radius 3 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 10% of base damage to Hull
  • 10% of base damage to Sails
  • 10% of base damage to Guns
  • 100% of base damage to Creatures and Players

Heatseeker Ammunition
Fires 4 volleys at +75% accuracy with scatter radius 1 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 75% of base damage to Hull
  • 75% of base damage to Sails
  • 75% of base damage to Guns
  • 75% of base damage to Creatures and Players
  • Ship's accuracy against target ship increased by 25% for the next 30 seconds

Heavy Ordinance
Fires 4 volleys with scatter radius 2 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 150% of base damage to Hull
  • 75% of base damage to Sails
  • 125% of base damage to Guns
  • 100% of base damage to Creatures and Players, which Ignores Armor

Powdersoak Ammunition
Fires 4 volleys with scatter radius 2 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 100% of base damage to Hull
  • 75% of base damage to Sails
  • 150% of base damage to Guns
  • 100% of base damage to Creatures and Players
  • NPC ships hit will lose 1 ammunition from their cannons and player ships hit will have a 50% chance to lose 1 ammunition from their cannons

[No Cannon Cooldown] Heals each crewmember for 33% health, and cures any remaining poison, disease, and bleed ticks on crewmember

Special Powderkeg
[No Cannon Cooldown] Normal cannon fire for the next 60 seconds has its accuracy increased by 25% and damage increased by 100%

Toxic Ammunition
Fires 8 volleys with scatter radius 3 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 33% of base damage to Hull
  • 33% of base damage to Sails
  • 33% of base damage to Guns
  • 150% of base damage to Creatures and Players, which Ignores Armor
  • Any creature or player hit will also be inflicted with Deadly Poison
  • Reduces damage dealt by all targets on ship by 10% for 30 seconds (will not stack)

Bad Rations
[No Cannon Cooldown] Targets nearest other ship within 12 tiles
  • Reduces damage dealt by all targets on ship by 50% for 30 seconds
  • Ability cannot be stacked

Targets nearest other ship within 12 tiles
  • Each crewmember on board throws a grenade at target ship
  • Grenades have (Ship Cannon Accuracy * 100%) chance to hit
  • Hits deal 300 Hull damage
  • Hits hit players and crew within 2 tiles inflicting 5% of max health as damage (up to 500 damage)

No Cannon Cooldown
  • For next 180 seconds, anyone boarding this ship will suffer an additional 33% Damage Taken for the next 30 seconds

Greater Abilities

Greater Abilities
Name Description

Fires 8 volleys with scatter radius 3 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 33% of base damage to Hull
  • 33% of base damage to Sails
  • 33% of base damage to Guns and
  • 100% of base damage to Creatures and Players
  • Will inflict an additional (total hull damage from hits * 2.0) to target ship over 30 seconds

Eldritch Ammunition
Fires 8 volleys at +50% Accuracy with scatter radius 1 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 50% of base damage to Hull
  • 50% of base damage to Sails
  • 50% of base damage to Guns and
  • 100% of base damage to Creatures and Players, which Ignores Armor
  • Any ship hit will have its cannon damage reduced by 10% for 30 seconds

Flak Cannons
Fires 8 volleys at +75% accuracy with scatter radius 4 and damage radius 2

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 75% of base damage to Hull
  • 75% of base damage to Sails
  • 75% of base damage to Guns and
  • 75% of base damage to Creatures and Players

Furious Assault
[No Cannon Cooldown] +50% Crewmember damage and +50% crew bravery for the next 60 seconds

Hellfire Barrage
Fires 4 volleys with scatter radius 3 and damage radius 2

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 175% of base damage to Hull
  • 100% of base damage to Sails
  • 150% of base damage to Guns and
  • 75% of base damage to Creatures and Players

Icebreaker Ammunition
Fires 4 volleys with scatter radius 2 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 100% of base damage to Hull
  • 150% of base damage to Sails
  • 125% of base damage to Guns and
  • 100% of base damage to Creatures and Players
  • Any ship hit will take +10% damage for the next 30 seconds

Mariner's Fortune
[No Cannon Cooldown] For the next 3 minutes:
  • Tidings increased by 15%
  • Effective Fishing Skill increased by 10

Ride the Waves
[No Cannon Cooldown] Increases movement speed by 10% for the next 90 seconds

Rum Rations
[No Cannon Cooldown] Heals each crewmember for 5% health every 10 seconds for the next 2 minutes

Tanglevine Ammunition
Fires 4 volleys with scatter radius 3 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 50% of base damage to Hull
  • 50% of base damage to Sails
  • 50% of base damage to Guns and
  • 100% of base damage to Creatures and Players
  • Any ship hit will have its movement speed reduced by 50% for 10 seconds
  • Applies Hinders to nearby Players and Creatures
    • Players are Hindered for 5 seconds
    • Creatures are Hindered for 10 seconds

Venom Barrage
Fires 4 volleys with scatter radius 3 and damage radius 2

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 75% of base damage to Hull
  • 75% base damage to Sails
  • 75% of base damage to Guns and
  • 350% of base damage to Creatures and Players
  • Any creature or player hit will be inflicted with Lethal Poison
  • Reduces damage dealt by all targets on ship by 15% for 30 seconds (will not stack)

Eye of the Storm
Targets nearest other ship within 12 tiles
  • Spawns a storm eye that follows the target ship and triggers every 5 seconds for the next 30 seconds
  • When triggering, has a (Ship Cannon Accuracy * 100%) chance to inflict 100 damage for each cannon your ship has per side
  • The damage is of a random damage type (Hull, Sails, Guns) on the target ship

Low Profile
[No Cannon Cooldown] Reduces ship's wake scalar by 150% for 30 seconds and then reduces ship's wake scalar by 50% for the following 60 seconds

Targets nearest other ship within 12 tiles
  • For each cannon your ship has per side spawns 4 sargasso seaweed tiles
  • Seweed spawns randomly in a 12 tile radius around target ship
  • Seaweed lasts 60 seconds
  • Any ship that moves over a sargasso tile will have its movement speed reduced by 75% for 5 seconds.


Name Hull Sail Guns Spd Acc Dmg Rld Tid Lsr Reg Grt Rpr HuRp SaRp GuRp Brd Dbl CrHt Brav Dmg Heal Fsh Spy Wake
Destroyer 10 20 40 10 15 50 5 10 50
Dreadnought 20 40 40 10 5 15 50 50 20 10 30
Explorer 40 5 25 15 5 15 10 7.5 5 20 10
Fisherman 20 40 2.5 5 10 50 10 15 5 10
Merchant 10 20 2.5 10 5 5 15 15 22.5 10
Privateer 20 20 5 7.5 5 5 5 50 10 20 10
Raider 20 40 5 5 50 5 20 30 15 7.5
Runner 40 7.5 50 5 15 50 15 5
Sentry 10 20 20 5 5 5 5 5 7.5 7.5
Skirmisher 2.5 20 10 10 10 15 22.5 12.5


Specialty Items
Name Hull Sail Guns Spd Acc Dmg Rld Tid Lsr Reg Grt Rpr HuRp SaRp GuRp Brd Dbl CrHt Brav Dmg Heal Fsh Spy Wake
Custom Rigging 20 5
Exceptional Oars 7.5
Storage Lockers 15 5
Cannon Targets 7.5 2.5 20
Routine Maintenance 5 10 10 1 25 10 25 25 25
Fearsome Totem 1 5 50 30 10
Tavern Connections 50 20 20 10 15 5 5
Carpentry Station 10 25 15 50 25 25
Sewing Station 20 1 25 15 25 50 25
Gunsmithing Station 20 50 15 25 25 50
Galley Station 2.5 25 22.5 5
Mongbat Figurehead 10 5 5
Eagle Figurehead 5 10 5
Gorgon Figurehead 5 5 10
Exceptional Powder 2.5 10 5
Stacked Powderkegs 5 50 5 5
Smoothbore Cannonshot 5 5 25 5
Auxiliary Cannons 7.5 5
Exotic Bait 10 10 5
Pristine Lumber 20 25 2.5 5 25
Exquisite Cloth 40 2.5 25 5 25
Flawless Iron 40 2.5 2.5 25 5 25
Powder Carts 5 50 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Accurate Maps 5 2.5
Navigation Chart 5 2.5 5
Exquisite Globe 5 10
Shipping Contracts 15
Luxury Goods 0 12.5 5 7.5
Livestock 10 10 15
Grain Shipment 10 15 5
Crows Nest 2.5 5 20
Weathervane 5 5 5
Telescope 2.5 10 10
Signal Pigeons 5 5 5 10
Blast Furnace 5 50 5 25

Crew Supplies

Crew Supplies
Name Hull Sail Guns Spd Acc Dmg Rld Tid Lsr Reg Grt Rpr HuRp SaRp GuRp Brd Dbl CrHt Brav Dmg Heal Fsh Spy Wake
Boarding Knives 100 60 5
Heavy Weaponry 20 25
Medium Weaponry 25 30 20
Light Weaponry 50 40 15
Practice Targets 5 20 10
Silk Hammocks 1 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 30
Fur Bedrolls 1 2.5 2.5 2.5 45
Stockade 2.5 50 15
Bananas 1 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 10 15
Limes 1 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 15 7.5
Delicious Rations 2.5 20 22.5
Savory Rations 2.5 25 15
Healthy Rations 2.5 30 7.5
Wild Game 1 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 15 5 5
Hardtack 1 2.5 2.5 2.5 50 15 5 5 7.5
Hookah 2.5 2.5 5 30 5
Medical Supplies 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 10 22.5
Alchemical Supplies 2.5 2.5 2.5 5 5 15
Spices 1 2.5 2.5 2.5 7.5
Ale Supply 1 2.5 2.5 2.5 25 25 10 7.5 5
Smoke Bombs 2.5 5 2.5 25 10
Intercepted Orders 2.5 5 5
Crew Hatches 1 5 5 2.5 5
Dueling Rapiers 75 50 10

Ship Stats Abbreviations

The Ship Stat Abbreviations for the sections above are as follows:

Hull: Max Hull Points Dmg: Cannon Damage Bonus Grt: Greater Ability Cooldown Reduction Brd: Boarding Success Chance Bonus Heal:
Sail: Max Sail Points Rld: Reload Speed Increase Rpr: Repair Cooldown Reduction Dbl: Doubloons Earned Bonus Fsh: Effective Fishing Bonus
Guns: Max Gun Poins Hld: Hold Capacity Increase HuRp: Hull Repair Bonus Hlt: Crew Health Bonus Spy: Spyglass Effectiveness Increase
Spd: Movement Speed Bonus Lsr: Lesser Ability Cooldown Reduction SaRp: Sail Repair Bonus Brch: Crew Breach Bonus Wake: Wake Scalar Bonus
Acc: Cannon Accuracy Bonus Reg: Regular Ability Cooldown Reduction GuRp: Gun Repair Bonus Dmg: Crew Damage Bonus STATCOUNT:

Any bonuses listed are considered to be beneficial amounts (there are no longer any "negative" amounts for any stat upgrades)

Ship People Things

Ship People Things

Ships Overview

Ship Hotbars

Ship Activities

Ship Crewmembers

Ship Upgrades

Ship Salvaging