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Revision as of 02:05, 10 June 2022 by Expo (talk | contribs)
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Creature Stats

Slayer Difficulty GoldValue Hits MinDmg MaxDmg Wrestling Armor Resist
Undead 63.2 600 3,500 30 40 90 25 100
Parry AtkSpd Magery MinSpellDmg MaxSpellDmg Poison PoisonResist Stealth
75 15 25

Tameable Stats

TraitGroup Slots Taming Hits MinDmg MaxDmg Wrestling Armor Resist
Arcane 2 120 275 16 22 75 25 75
SpellMin SpellMax Poisoning Poison PoisonRst SpecialRst Stealth
16 22 33% 33%

DPS Stats

DPS DPS/Slot Avg10Sec High10Sec HighHit uDog uDPS uDPS/Slot uAvg10Sec uHigh10Sec uHighHit
24.85 12.42 248 448 59 0 24.85 12.42 248 448 59


Name Type Description
Spellblight Passive Has a 15% chance on spellcast to inflict (SpellDamageMax * 0.5) disease damage every 5 seconds to the target for 30 seconds

Trait Group

Arcane Trait Group
Level Name Description
2 Predator Increases All Damage by 10%
Survival Increases Damage Resistance by 10%
4 Potency Increases Charged Spell chance by 25%
Enchantment Increases Damage Resistance by 10%
6 Sorcery Increases Spell Damage by 12.5%
Reactive Increases Passive Ability trigger chances by 50% of normal
8 Swiftness Increases Attack Speed by 7.5%
Breach Spells ignore 50 Magic Resist on target
10 Smite Increases Spell Damage by 20% when target below 66% Hit Points
Wrath Increases Passive Ability damage by 50%