Detecting Hidden

From UO Outlands Wiki
Revision as of 16:05, 28 June 2022 by Guidsmonster (talk | contribs) (Added success chance (unconfirmed but likely), Added clarification that aoe detect hidden is only after reaching 100 skill, and that its a radius from the target, not just a PBAoE from the player)
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  • Reveals hidden players in the targeted location with a success chance equal to the detect hidden skill
  • At 100 skill or more, reveals all Hidden targets within 8 * (Detect Hidden Skill / 100) spaces of target (or player if targeting self)
  • Increases distance at which players may discover Hidden players when using the Tracking skill
  • Can boost damage inflicted by Tinker Traps
  • Used in deciphering Research Guides
  • Can be used at 0 skill within a House to reveal anyone hiding within


Skill Activity
0-50 Train from NPC
50-75 Use Detect Hidden in the New Player Dungeon
75-120 Continue using Detect Hidden