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The Archery skill allows a player to fire arrows/bolts from afar with Bows and Crossbows

  • Archery class weapons cannot be poisoned.
  • Players must remain stationary for 0.5 seconds in order to shoot (regardless of their Dexterity)
  • Bows can fire arrows at targets up to 10 tiles away from the archer
  • Crossbows can fire bolts at targets up to 8 tiles away from the archer
  • The chance to hit with an archery class weapon is equal to (attacker's archery skill + 50) / ((defender's weapon or wrestling skill + 50) * 2) plus any relevant accuracy bonuses

PvM Special Attack

  • Only works against creatures, not other players
  • Players have a 10% chance of inflicting an Archery Weapon Special Attack against creatures
  • This chance can be further increased via the Arms Lore Skill, Water Aspect Armor, or Mastery Chain Links
    • Increases damage dealt by the attack that generated the special by 50% (by 100% if the target is already hindered or immune to hinder)
    • Hinders the target (prevents all movement, casting, melee attacks) for 4-8 seconds
      • Hinder effect duration scales based on weapon speed (slower archery weapons have longer effect duration) and creature difficulty
      • Players also receive a +25% Accuracy bonus when using Archery Weapons against a creature that is hindered at the time of the attack
  • Once a creature recovers from a Hinder effect caused by a Player Weapon, it will then become immune to further Hinder effects for a duration equal to 50% of the original Hinder duration
    • this immunity will cause the same Damage Bonuses that normally apply to attempting to apply Hinder to Hinder-immune targets
    • For example, a player uses Archery to deliver a 6 second Hinder effect to a creature. After the 6 second Hinder resolves, the creature now is immune to Hinder for the next 3 seconds, during this time any new Hinder effects attempting to be applied will instead result in a damage bonus

Weapon Types

  • See the Weapons Chart for a list of Archery weapons
  • The Crossbow functions as a One-Handed weapon, meaning players can wield them with shields or can use Potions while wielding them without a shield in their off-hand


  • Players can use Quivers to reduce the Ammunition Weight and Ammunition Consumption Rate

Beneficial Skills

Having these skills benefit Archery.

Skill Benefit
Anatomy Increases Base Weapon Damage * (20% * (Anatomy Skill / 100))
Increases codex finisher chance by (100% * (Anatomy Skill / 100))
Chivalry Increases Base Weapon Damage * (10% * (Chivalry Skill / 100)) Supplemental PvP Melee Damage
Tactics From 0 to 100, Increases Base Weapon Damage * (-50% + (Tactics Skill / 200))
Any additional skill increases Base Weapon Damage * (1% * (Tactics Skill - 100))
Arms Lore Increases Special Attack Chance by (10% * (Arms Lore Skill / 100))
Carpentry Increases wooden weapons' Base Weapon Damage * (15% * (Carpentry Skill / 100))
Reduced to Base Weapon Damage * (6% * (Carpentry Skill / 100)).
Forensic Evaluation
Increases Base Weapon Damage by (25% * Skill / 100)
Reduced to Base Weapon Damage by (10% * Skill / 100)
(2 hour bonus after using the skill)
Mace Fighting
Increases Base Weapon Damage by (25% * Skill / 100) in PvM only.


Main article: Weapon and Shield Codex#Archery Ammunition and Finishers

  • Archery weapons benefit from Ammo and Finishers provided by a Codex of Archery.

Archery Ammo and Finishers

Type Name Description
Ammo Arcane Accuracy and Damage increased by 3% per rank
Ammo Fowling Weapon shots increase Damage Resistance towards target by 6% per rank for 5 seconds (does not stack)
Ammo Incendiary Deals an additional 8% of Damage per rank inflicted to a random target within 2 tiles
Ammo Longshot Increases Range by (Rank / 2) rounded up, and Damage by 3% per rank
Ammo Maiming Hinder effects last 10% longer per rank and Overpowered Hinder effects deal 10% more Damage per rank
Finisher Ricochet Inflicts 300% Damage towards target and 3 other random targets within 8 tiles
Finisher Pincushion Makes 8 attacks against the target, with each having a 66% hit chance to inflict 100% Damage
Weapon Ability Skirmish For next 15 seconds damage increased by 25% and can fire while moving
Weapon Ability Full Draw For next 15 seconds damage increased by 35%, but must be stationary for 5 seconds to fire
Weapon Ability Repeater If not currently stealthed, immediately makes 3 additional hit attempts, each with a 66% chance to inflict 100% of weapon damage (scaled by weapon speed)


Use a good Quiver to reduce the amount of arrows and bolts consumed! Using a heavy x-bow for training will reduce the ammo need further.
Skill Activity
0-50 Train from NPC
50-80 Passively in Combat in the New Player Dungeon
80-100 Passively in Combat, in the Prevalia Zoo or at a Battletrainer.