Faction Dungeons

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Revision as of 03:07, 3 February 2023 by Expo (talk | contribs)
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  • Every week 1 Classic OSI era dungeon is available only to Faction players, which is referred to as a Faction Dungeon
  • When Tabula Rasa occurs at the start of each week, the current Faction Dungeon is deactivated (ejecting players currently inside to their last Moongate Town Destination) and a new Faction Dungeon becomes active for the week

The current lineup of Classic Dungeons are:

Classic Dungeons




  • Creature Spawns in Faction Dungeons are thematically similar to those found in Classic OSI dungeons, but have been balanced to have a better difficulty progression as players go deeper into the dungeons (i.e. no Giant Rats or Headless on level 2 or 3, unlike OSI)
  • Players can see which Faction Dungeon is currently active on Page 2 of the Faction Page

Travel Restrictions

  • Players must be in a Guild that is aligned to a Faction, and must have "Participate in Factions" enabled, in order to access Faction Dungeons
  • Players cannot cast Gate Travel or use Chivalry Moongates into or out of Faction Dungeons
  • Players may Hike (Camping) into and out of Faction Dungeons freely

Recall Spell

  • Players may Recall into Faction Dungeons freely
  • Players may Recall out of Faction Dungeons, however the casting time is increased to 4 seconds
  • Additionally, when inside of a Faction Dungeon, a player may only cast the Recall spell a maximum of 5 times
  • The Recall spell is considered a "successful" cast when the player receives a Targeting Cursor for the spell
  • If a player does not reach the point where they receive a targeting cursor for the spell (due to either cancelling the spell or being interrupted) it will not count against their limit
  • Once a player has made 5 "successful" casts, any further casting attempts will be prevented, and the player informed they must exit the Faction Dungeon through its entrance (or as a Ghost through a Ghost Gate)

Note: This mechanic is intended to prevent players in Faction Dungeons from repeatedly casting the Recall spell over and over again and "holding" the cursor, waiting for a player to show up on their screen, and then recalling away instantly. Because the limit only counts against "successful" casts, this mechanic should not impact any players who are legitimately attempting to leave the Faction dungeon.

Faction Moongates

  • The currently active Faction Dungeon will also appear as a destination at the top of the Faction Moongate menu that can be accessed at each Faction Castle
  • Selecting the Faction Dungeon destination from the Faction Moongate menu will warp the player and their followers to the Level 1 Entryway of that respective Faction Dungeon

Gameplay Mechanics

  • Mounts are allowed inside of Faction Dungeons
  • Players cannot activate Echoes while in a Faction Dungeon
  • Players cannot disable "Participate in Factions" while in a Faction Dungeon
  • Players cannot leave their Guild while in a Faction Dungeon

Faction Dungeon Ejection

Players inside of a Faction Dungeon will be killed and ejected from a Faction Dungeon if any of the following occurs:

  • The player has their "Participate in Factions" setting forcibly disabled (due to being in multiple guilds in different factions simultaneously)
  • The player is removed from their current Guild (and therefore leaves their Faction)
  • The player's Guild disbands (and therefore leaves their Faction)

Note: This mechanic is intended to prevent players from attempting to "escape" PvP by purposefully triggering one of those events (and also to prevent them from warping out freely with their earned loot)


  • Players cannot Track other players inside of a Faction Dungeon
  • If a player enters a Faction Dungeon while having Hunting Mode enabled for Players, it will automatically be disabled (and the player notified)
  • Players will automatically receive their Tracking bonuses to Damage and Barding Skill while inside a Faction Dungeon

Loot and Faction Spawns

  • War Aspect Cores and War Aspect Distillation will drop as uncommon Loot in Faction Dungeons
  • Players can gain War Aspect Experience from killing creatures inside of Faction Dungeons while wearing War Aspect Gear, and will receive an additional +50% bonus to War Aspect Experience gained

Faction Spawns

  • Occasionally, creature spawns within a Faction Dungeon will occur as a "Faction Spawn" and will be indicated by Orange overhead text
  • Killing a Faction Spawn creature will reward players with Faction Score equal to 20% of the creature's Gold Value, with amounts divided between players based on their Damage Dealt % to the creature

PvM Bonuses

  • Primary PvM Bonuses (such as Skills / Equipment) and Secondary PvM Bonuses (such as Aspects / Codexes) will work in Faction Dungeons as normal (this includes all Aspects, not just War Aspect)

Ghost Gates

  • Because Gate Travel and Chivalry Moongates are not allowed in Faction Dungeons, we have placed a large number of Ghost Gates throughout the dungeons that only Ghost players can use, which will allow them to teleport out of the dungeon to Towns

Dungeon Exits

  • As mentioned previously, players can use Recall or Hiking to exit Faction Dungeons (but not Gate Travel/Chivalry Moongates)
  • Players can elect to leave a Faction Dungeon by exiting the Level 1 Entrance location
  • Leaving a Faction Dungeon through the Level 1 Entrance will warp the player and their followers to a centralized location inside of the Daemon Keep (where faction players purify faction flags)

Faction Warfare


Factions Overview

Faction Silver

Faction Dungeons

Mount Gear System

Aspect Triumphs