
From UO Outlands Wiki
Revision as of 14:46, 10 October 2023 by Wafflesplz (talk | contribs) (removed reference to [eject command that no longer works)
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  • Allows the player to hide
  • Players who are Friended to a house receive an effective bonus of 100 Hiding skill for making Hiding attempts inside that house (non-Friends no longer receive any bonuses, will not gain skill)
  • All players who are within 1 tile of a house, but not actually inside in that house, will receive an effective bonus of 50 Hiding Skill for making Hiding attempts
  • Required by the Stealth skill to make movements while hidden
    • Can be paired with the Stealth skill to make Backstab attacks against creatures
  • Players who are revealed via Detect Hidden or the Reveal Spell cannot become Hidden or Invisible by any means for 5 seconds
  • Players who are revealed via Detect Hidden or the Reveal Spell cannot Eject from a house for 5 seconds


Skill Activity
0-50 Train from NPC
50-80 Use Hiding in New Player Dungeon
80-100 Continue using Hiding