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Basic Dex Tamer (700 skill points)

100 Strength
100 Dexterity
  25 Intelligence

100 Animal Taming
100 Animal Lore
100 Fencing or Archery
100 Tactics or Herding
100 Veterinary
100 Tracking
  80 Arms Lore
  20 Alchemy

  • Playstyle: Pets Kill, you heal the tank, and deal dmg too
  • Starting Skills (Advanced): 50 Taming, 49 Lore, 1 Weapon Skill
  • Training Credits: 50 Veterinary, 49 Weapon Skill
  • Gear Recommendation: Plate, 1h Fencing Weapon or Bow/Xbow
  • Book/Codice/Kit Required: Weapon Codex, Taming Bestiary
  • Aspect Recommendation: Water, Command
  • Misc: Taming/Lore above 100 and Command is really expensive (due to demand).