
From UO Outlands Wiki
Revision as of 23:28, 20 July 2019 by OldTamerGuy (talk | contribs) (80 Parry is not required to attempt a Shield Taunt. Tentatively used a [strike] on the line for those who might be familiar with old information or patch version.)
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  • Players may parry melee attacks with shields as well as with two-handed weapons
  • Weapon parrying will result in the weapon taking durability damage similar to shields, albeit at a reduced rate
  • Armor rating provided from shields is (50% * Shield Base AR) + (50% * Shield Base AR * (Parrying Skill / 100))
  • Players with both 80 Magery and 80 Parrying or greater may cast spells and meditate with a shield equipped (meditation rate will still be affected by the shield's meditation penalty)

Parrying Melee Attacks

  • Chance to parry a melee attack is (50% * (Parrying Skill / 100))
  • Successfully parrying an attack from a creature will reduces its damage by 75%
  • Successfully parrying an attack from another player, while wielding a two-handed weapon, will reduce its damage by only 50% however

Parrying Spells

  • Players have a (25% * (Parrying Skill / 100)) chance to parry a spell cast by a creature
  • Successfully parrying a spell from a creature will reduces its damage by 75%

Shield Taunt

  • Players may now perform a Shield Taunt by double-clicking a shield they have equipped and targeting a creature (for Direct Taunt) or targeting themselves (Area Taunt)
  • Players may also activate Shield Taunt by using the [Taunt command if they have a shield equipped

* Requires at least 80 Parrying to attempt

Directed Taunt

  • Upon making a Directed Taunt towards a specific creature, a Parrying Skill check is made
  • On a Parrying Skill check success, the player massively increases their aggro towards that creature for 20 seconds
  • The player will then have a 30 second cooldown before they can make another Taunt attempt
  • For the next 20 seconds, the player's equipped shield receives a 100% bonus to it's AR value when determining damage reduction
  • On a Parrying Skill check failure, the player must wait 15 seconds before making another Taunt attempt

Area Taunt

  • Upon making a Area Taunt (by targeting themselves), a Parrying Skill check is made
  • On a Parrying Skill check success, the player massively increases their aggro towards all creatures within 12 tiles for 10 seconds,
  • The player will then have a 30 second cooldown before they can make another Taunt attempt
  • For the next 10 seconds, the player's equipped shield receives a 100% bonus to it's AR value when determining damage reduction
  • On a Parrying Skill check failure, the player must wait 15 seconds before making another Taunt attempt


Parrying is trained through combat, primarily with a Shield equipped.
Up to 50.0 skill can be trained by a NPC ? vendor.
Skill gains for Parrying up to 70.0 are accelerated in the New Player Dungeon.
Gain chance seems better with a creature but there seems to be a limit on how much parrying you can gain from each creature.
There is no limit on gains sparring with another player.
50-70 With a shield equipped let many creatures hit you in the New Player Dungeon. Kill them if you no longer gain from them.
Method One:
Head to a graveyard with minimal or secluded casting mobs.
Round up as many zombies and skeletons as possible. Let them all hit you till you don't notice gains.
Kill them and repeat as needed.

Method Two:
Purchase Wooden Training weapon from any NPC provisioner vendor.
Equip the Wooden Training weapon on a 2nd account character and attack the character who is training parrying.
Then toggle war/peace on the character training Parrying.

  • If both characters are not in the same guild the attacker will be flagged a criminal.
  • You will need a way to heal the character training parrying.