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Dexxer Gatherer (720 Skillpoints)

100 Strength
100 Dexterity
  25 Intelligence

120 Lumberjacking or Mining
100 Swords or Maces
100 Tactics
100 Tracking
  80 Healing
  80 Parrying
  80 Resisting Spells
  60 Anatomy or Camping

  • Playstyle: Go around getting Wood or Ore and either fight back PKs or run, can kill a casual Stray Enemy
  • Gear Recommendations: Grinding Medium or Burst (2h), Platemail
  • Book/Codice/Kit Requirements: Nothing really required. Could use a Fitting Weapon Skill Codex
  • Aspect Recommendations:
  • Link Recommendations:
  • Misc: With Packhorses you need either Magery or a Blessed Runebook to Recall to safety