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Starter Dexxer Tamer (700 skill points)

100 Strength
100 Dexterity
  25 Intelligence

  70 Fencing
  70 Tactics
  70 Tracking
  70 Camping
  70 Forensic Evaluation
  70 Arms Lore
  70 Animal Taming
  70 Animal Lore
  70 Veterinary
  70 Magery


  • Starting Skills: (Advanced) - 50 Magery, 49 Fencing, 1 Meditation
  • Training Credits: 50 Animal Taming, 50 Animal Lore (Stablemaster)
  • Recommended Weapon: Kryss or War Fork
  • Recommended Armor: Leather or Studded
  • Misc: Starter Pets - Colossal Frog tank and 3 monitor lizards (New Player Dungeon)