Treasure Hunting
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- Players may find Treasure Maps as loot in various ways
- Using tools of higher quality materials improves map accuracy
- Treasure Maps come in 8 levels of difficulty
- There are over 1600 locations a Treasure Map Chest may be located
- Treasure Maps can be deciphered and dug up by different people
Deciphering a Treasure Map
- Deciphering a Treasure Map requires the Cartography skill and a Spyglass
- Spyglasses have a limited number of uses and receive bonuses based on the quality and resource material
- Double-click the Spyglass and then target a Treasure Map
- Players may further make Cartography attempts through Spyglasses to improve the accuracy of the Treasure Map
- The player who deciphers a Treasure Map does NOT have to be the one to dig up the chest
Treasure Map Levels
Level | Name |
1 | Plainly Drawn |
2 | Expertly Drawn |
3 | Adeptly Drawn |
4 | Cleverly Drawn |
5 | Deviously Drawn |
6 | Ingeniously Drawn |
7 | Diabolically Drawn |
8 | Legendarily Drawn |
Success Chance
Level Modifier:
Level | Level Modifier |
1 to 4 | 0.625 |
5 | 0.59375 |
6 | 0.525 |
7 | 0.47925 |
8 | 0.4465 |
Tool Bonus (mastercrafted, exceptional):
Spyglass Material | Tool Bonus |
Regular | 0 |
Dull Copper | 0.025 |
Shadow Iron | 0.05 |
Copper | 0.075 |
Bronze | 0.1 |
Gold | 0.125 |
Agapite | 0.15 |
Verite | 0.175 |
Valorite | 0.2 |
Avarite | 0.225 |
Success chance calculation
100% * [0.25 + tool_bonus + (0.025 * cartography_skill) - (tmap_level - 1) * tmap_level_modifier]
Maximum Accuracy
Tool Bonus (mastercrafted, exceptional):
Spyglass Material | Tool Bonus |
Regular | 0 |
Dull Copper | 0.05 |
Shadow Iron | 0.1 |
Copper | 0.15 |
Bronze | 0.2 |
Gold | 0.25 |
Agapite | 0.3 |
Verite | 0.35 |
Valorite | 0.4 |
Avarite | 0.45 |
Maximum accuracy calculation
100% * (0.5 + tool_bonus + cartography_skill * 0.0025)
Using a Shovel and Bonuses
- Players must use a Shovel to dig up a Treasure Chest
- Double-click the Shovel to attempt to locate any decoded Treasure Maps within a player's backpack
- A player's Mining skill as well as the quality and material bonus of the Shovel used determines how close the player must be to the actual location of the chest to dig it up
- When the Treasure Chest has been successfully located, a tracking arrow will point towards it
Shovel Resource Bonuses
- Base Search Range of 2
- Search range increased by (100% * (Mining Skill / 100))
Search ranges for Treasure Maps are further improved by using higher quality tools (tool bonuses stack with skill bonuses):
Material | Search Range |
![]() Exceptional |
+25% |
![]() Mastercrafted |
+50% |
![]() Dull Copper |
+30% |
![]() Shadow |
+40% |
![]() Copper |
+50% |
![]() Bronze |
+60% |
![]() Gold |
+70% |
![]() Agapite |
+80% |
![]() Verite |
+90% |
![]() Valorite |
+100% |
![]() Avarite |
+110% |
Discovering a Treasure Chest
- When a player has successfully dug up a Treasure Chest, a wave of monsters will appear which must be cleared before the Treasure Chest can be accessed
- Additional waves of monsters will generate after a time, based on the Treasure Map difficulty, until the Chest has been "Demolished" by the person who dug the Chest up, or after it decays
- Any player not in the Party of the person who dug up the Treasure Chest will perform a criminal act (and turn gray) if they open the chest or take any items
- Treasure Map Chests have a single wave of spawn, and this spawn occurs 3-5 seconds after digging up the Chest
- Players are unable to Lockpick, Snoop, or Demolish a Treasure Map Chest until all creature spawns are killed
- Players are unable to Demolish a Treasure Map Chest until it has been unlocked
Unlocking a Treasure Chest
- Treasure Map Chests will no longer spawn as Trapped (they will still spawn Locked as normal)
- The difficulty of Creature Spawns of Treasure Map Chests have been increased and will scale more appropriately to the level of each Treasure Map Chest
Multi Clienting Prevention
- If two or more characters from the same IP address either Bard or Damage creatures spawned from the same Treasure Map Chest within the last 60 seconds, all characters on their IP address will have their Damage Dealt reduced to 1 against creatures from that Treasure Map Chest until 60 seconds pass without any multi-clienting occurring
- Once a player resolves either a Lockpicking attempt on a Treasure Map Chest no other player may attempt to make an additional attempt on that same chest for the next 3 seconds (i.e. only one player may attempt chests at a time)
- "Effective Lockpicking Skill" Mastery Chain Links have been renamed to "Effective Skill on Chests" to better clarify their purpose
Treasure Map Chest Experience Sharing
- If the player that successfully lockpicks a Treasure Map Chest is in a Party and has "Share Experience" toggled in their party settings, any Mastery Chain Experience and Aspect Experience they earn will be divided evenly amongst all other members of the party within 50 tiles that also have "Share Experience" toggled
Looting a Treasure Chest
- Players are unable to Lockpick, Snoop, or Demolish a Treasure Map Chest until all creature spawns are killed
- Any player not in the Party of the person who dug up the Treasure Chest will perform a criminal act (and turn gray) if they open the chest or take any items
- When a player completes a Treasure Map Chest and Demolishes the Chest through the Context Menu on the Chest, they have a (Map Level x 1%) chance to receive a special Treasure Map Chest container as a loot item
- Treasure Maps will automatically delete when their corresponding Treasure Map Chest is completed/deleted
- Treasure Map Chests of Level 1-7 will now have a 1 Hour duration before they (and any creatures/items) will delete
- Treasure Map Chests of Level 8 (Lore Boss Chests) will continue to have a 2 Hour duration (same as before)
- Treasure Map Chests that are empty will now automatically delete in 1 minute (previously was 5 minutes)
Treasure Map Tome

- Players can purchase Treasure Map Tomes from the Prevalian Merchant or with Achievement Points
- Treasure Map tomes allow players to store and organize Treasure Maps, both deciphered and undeciphered