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Starter Dexxer (700 skill points)

100 Strength
100 Dexterity
  25 Intelligence

  75 Swords or Maces or Archery or Wrestling or Fencing
  75 Tactics
  75 Chivalry
  75 Healing
  75 Anatomy
  75 Arms Lore
  75 Parrying
  75 Resisting Spells

  • Starting Skills: (Advanced) - 50 Healing, 49 Mace Fighting, 1 Veterinary
  • Training Credits: 50 Resisting Spells (Mage), 50 Forensic Eval (Tanner)
  • Gear Recommendations: Grinding Light (Mace War Mace, or Maul), Platemail & Shield
  • Misc: Pure dexxers suffer from accuracy issues making them slow to start, great end game