Thieves Guild

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  • There are two types of Membership in the Thieves Guild: Grey Hand and Red Hand
  • Players in the Thieves Guild must choose one Membership type, which determines what types of targets they may steal from, as well as what mechanics affect their thief gameplay
  • Players can access the Thieves Guild Menu by approaching any Thief NPC (even while dead) and either using the shift-click "Thieves Guild" Context Menu option or by saying "Thief", "Thieves", "Guild", or "Market near them

Basic Membership Rules

While there are two different types of Membership in the Thieves Guild, the following rules apply to both Grey Hand and Red Hand:

  • Players must have 80 Stealing skill or higher to join the Thieves Guild and must remain at 80 Stealing skill or higher to gain the benefit from any Thieves Guild mechanics (such as Thieves Codex, etc)
  • Players can only change their Thieves Guild Membership, including Leaving the guild, at most once every 24 hours
  • Players cannot change their Thieves Guild Membership while they are currently Flagged in PvP
  • Players are able to use Detective Lenses to determine another player's Membership Type in the Thieves Guild (explained later)

Grey Hand Membership

  • Costs 5000 Gold to join (Cost is reduced to 0 gold if player is switching from Red Hand to Grey Hand membership)
  • Allows the player to Steal from Wild (Uncontrolled) creatures
  • Allows the player to use Thieves Codices

Grey Hand Membership allows players to play as a "PvM" style thief where they are only stealing from Wild creatures, and not able to steal from Blue (Innocent) players

Red Hand Membership

  • Costs 5000 Gold to join (Cost is reduced to 0 gold if player is switching from Grey Hand to Red Hand membership)
  • Allows the player to Steal from Wild (Uncontrolled) creatures
  • Allows the player to Steal from Blue (Innocent) players
  • Allows the player to use Thieves Codexes
  • Grants the player a bonus chance for Black Goods to be upgraded
  • The player will always turn Grey (but not Criminal) to their attacker if attacked by another player
  • The player can never report Murders

  • Red Hand Membership allows players to players both a "PvM" style thief who steals from Wild creatures as well as a "PvP" style thief who is able to steal from other Blue (Innocent) players
  • Red Hand players will always turn Grey (but not Criminal) to any player that attacks them, even if they initially were displaying as Blue (Innocent) to that player
  • Additionally, Red Hand members can never report Murders

Red Hand players receive bonus upgrade chances to Black Goods (an item acquired from PvM Stealing) as a bonus to offset the additional risk they adopt for being potentially attackable by other players.

Detailed Mechanics

Stealing Notoriety/Flagging

  • If a player attempts to steal from another player, they will flag as Grey/Attackable to the victim for the next 2 minutes (and no one else by default)
  • Stealing actions are not automatically treated as Criminal Actions
  • If a stealing action against a Blue (Innocent) target is Noticed by any player, or any invulnerable NPC outside of a house, the stealing action will be upgraded to a Criminal Action (which will result in Guard Whacking if it occurs in town)
  • Stealing from another player will always initiate a Heat of Battle timer (preventing Recall/Gate/Hiking) similar to normal actions (2 Minutes for Blue/Innocent targets and 30 seconds Grey/Red/Orange targets)
  • Thieves will no longer have a permanent "Victims List" tracked for them
  • Players who are NOT in the Thieves Guild are still allowed to steal from any Player or Controlled Follower that flags as Green (Ally), Orange (Enemy), Grey (Criminal), or Red (Murderer) to them


  • All rules and restrictions that determine which players Thieves can steal from also apply to Snooping attempts (i.e. players must be a Red Hand Thieves Guild member to Snoop a Blue (Innocent) player)
  • Players will no longer flag as Grey to another player for 2 minutes for Snooping a container or Popping a Trapped Pouch in their backpack


  • We are removing the initial 2 second delay on Snooping actions (will now be the normal 1 second Snooping skill cooldown)
  • Players will now be able to steal while using a 1-Handed Weapon (mechanics will now mirror Potion usage)

Stealing Skill Check (Against Players)

  • Base success chance to steal an item from another player is now (75% * (Stealing Skill / 100)) [Previously was 50%]
  • Players will no longer suffer a -25% Penalty to stealing due to not wearing a Disguise
  • A player who is Hidden while making their stealing attempt has a +25% bonus to stealing success chances (they will be revealed after the stealing attempt is made)
  • A player making a stealing attempt against a Disarmed player has a +25% bonus to stealing success chances
  • A player making a stealing attempt against a Hamstrung player has a +25% bonus to stealing success chances

Locked Containers

  • Players will no longer be able to drag/drop/stack items into Locked Containers in their backpack
  • Players can now use Lockpicking against Locked Containers in other player's backpacks

Stealing from Wild Creatures

Players in the Thieves Guild are now allowed to steal from Wild (Uncontrolled) creatures via two methods: Pilfering and Mugging


  • Players can Pilfer from creatures by directly activating the Stealing skill and targeting the creature
  • Players must have at least 80 Stealing to make a Pilfer attempt against a creature
  • Players will additionally need to make a Snooping skill check to succeed at Pilfering attempts, however they can potentially bypass this requirement via the Thieves Codex Shadow Hands Upgrade (explained later)
  • Players can make Pilfer attempts from Hiding (but will be revealed after the attempt as normal)
  • When the player attempts to Pilfer from a creature, they will make both a Stealing skill check and a Snooping skill check against the creature simultaneously


  • If the player succeeds both the Stealing and Snooping skill checks, the player will receive some gold and potentially a Black Goods item in their backpack (explained later)
  • Note: The Gold stolen from a creature does *not* reduce the amount of gold that will appear on the creature's corpse
  • The visual success indicator graphic (gold dust) and success sounds played will only be seen/heard by the player themselves and not other players


  • If the player fails either their Stealing or Snooping skill check, and the player was not Hidden, the creature will Retaliate and inflict a random amount of Raw Damage on the player (with amounts scaling based on creature Difficulty)
  • The visual failure indicator graphic (red burst) and failure sounds played will only be seen/heard by the player themselves and other players will not see/hear them

Pilfer Stealing Skill Check Formula

  • Base Success Chance: (75% * (Stealing Skill / 100))
  • Bonus Chance if Player Is Hidden: +25%
  • Penalty Based on CreatureDifficulty: (-2% * (SquareRoot of CreatureDifficulty)) Penalty [up to a Max Penalty of -25%]

Pilfer Snooping Skill Check Formula

  • Base Success Chance: (100% * (Snooping Skill / 100))


  • If a player lands a Stealth Backstab Hit against a creature within 1 tile from them, they will automatically make a Mugging attempt in addition to the Stealth Backstab's normal damage
  • Players must have at least 80 Stealing, 80 Stealth, and 80 Hiding or higher to make a Mugging attempt
  • Players will additionally need to make a Snooping skill check to succeed at Mugging attempts, however they can potentially bypass this requirement via the Thieves Codex Shadow Hands Upgrade (explained later)
  • When the player attempts Mugging on a creature, they will make both a Stealing skill check and a Snooping skill check against the creature simultaneously


  • If the player succeeds both the Stealing and Snooping skill checks, the player will receive some gold and potentially a Black Goods item in their backpack (explained later)
  • Note: The Gold stolen from a creature does *not* reduce the amount of gold that will appear on the creature's corpse
  • The visual success indicator graphic (gold dust) and success sounds played will only be seen/heard by the player themselves and other players will not see/hear them


  • If the player fails either their Stealing or Snooping skill check, there is no penalty

Mugging Stealing Skill Check Formula

  • Base Success Chance: (100% * (Stealing Skill / 100))
  • Penalty Based on CreatureDifficulty: (-2% * (SquareRoot of CreatureDifficulty)) Penalty [up to a Max Penalty of -25%]

Mugging Snooping Skill Check Formula

  • Base Success Chance: (100% * (Snooping Skill / 100))

Max Stealing Successes on Creatures

  • Players are allowed a maximum of one Stealing Success against each creature
  • Normal creatures can only have 3 Successful Stealing actions on them from all players combined, and any further successes on them will inform the player the creature is "Barren" and cannot be stolen from
  • Boss-level creatures will have a larger maximum cap of Stealing Actions allowed on them, with amounts varying based on Boss-Type

Successful Stealing

  • When a player makes a successful Pilfer or Mugging attempt against a creature that can be stolen from, they will typically receive a base amount Gold in their backpack equal to around 25% of the creature's normal Gold Value, up to a max of 2500 Gold (can be further increased with bonuses)
  • Players will earn Thieves Codex Experience, Mastery Chain Experience, and Fortune Aspect Experience based on the Gold amount stolen (amount before bonuses to gold are applied)
  • Additionally, the amount of Gold stolen will be increased for the player by any bonuses the player has for Gold Loot increases, such as: Fortune Aspect Armor, Mastery Chain Links, Weekly Regional Bonuses, Guild Favors, Thieves Codex Upgrades, and the Progressive Loot Bonus (i.e. the Gold Value of a creature increases the longer the spawn has been sitting at that location)
  • When a player successfully steals Gold from a creature, there is also a 15% chance the player will also receive a Black Goods item as well

Black Goods

  • Black Goods come in a number of different Rarity Levels, ranging from "Extremely Common" up to "Legendary" rarity
  • The Rarity Level of a Black Goods item is randomized, with greater chances of Upgrading to higher levels based on the Creature Difficulty of the creature stolen from
  • Players who are Red Hand members of the Thieves Guild also get a 10% bonus to Upgrade chances for Black Goods they acquire from stealing
  • Players can Exchange Black Goods for random items via the Black Market in the Thieves Guild Menu

Black Market

  • Players can access the Black Market from the Thieves Guild menu
  • On the Black Market, players will see listings for each Rarity Level of Black Goods and buttons to Exchange Black Goods of that Rarity Level for a Random Item
  • The Random items players can receive from Black Goods include Gold, Arcane Essence, all Special/Rare items available from normal loot tables (Arcane Scrolls, Skill Mastery Scrolls, Mastercrafting Diagrams, etc), Thief Hue Items (Cloth, Dyes, Lanterns, Footwear, etc) and Thief Antiquities
  • An Expected Gold Value for each Rarity Level shows the player how much Gold they would likely receive when doing an Exchange for that Rarity Level this week if they received Gold as their random item

Weekly Scarcity

  • At the start of every week a "Weekly Scarcity" for each Rarity Level is determined, based on the number of total Black Goods all players combined turned in for that Rarity Level in the previous week compared to the week prior to that
  • Weekly Scarcity for each Rarity Level will range between -50% to +50% depending on the difference in amounts turned in between the different weeks
  • When players Exchange Black Goods of a Rarity Level, the Weekly Scarcity for that Rarity Level will impact how much Gold is received as well as adjust the chances for the player to instead receive a Special / Rare / Unique items rather than Gold
  • A Timer in the bottom left section of the menu indicates when Weekly Scarcity levels will next be recalculated and Updated

Exchanging Items

  • Players can use the Left/Right arrows in the bottom panel to choose where they Exchange Black Goods from (their Bank or Backpack), how many (1 or All), and where they wish to receive the new items (Backpack or Bank Box)
  • Players will receive a system message for each item that they receive when Exchanging Black Goods
  • If the player elects to Receive in Backpack, any gold they receive will be automatically placed into an existing or new Bank Check in their backpack (otherwise players will likely never be able to hold the weight of the gold they receive)
  • If a player does not have enough room in their Backpack, it will not complete any Exchange for that item (and will stop if doing All in Backpack)
  • If the player elects to Receive in Bank Box, any gold they receive will be Deposited as normal, and all items will be placed if room exists or Queued into their bank box if room does not exist

Thief Hue Items

Players exchanging Black Goods have a chance to receive rare Thief Hue (Hue 1067) items including:

  • Cloth
  • Hair/Facial Hair Dyes
  • Backpack Dyes
  • Runebook Dyes
  • Shield and Quiver Dyes
  • Headwear Dyes
  • Carpet Dyes
  • Furniture Dyes
  • Spell Hue Deeds
  • Lantern

Thief Antiquities

  • Players exchanging Black Goods have a chance to receive Thief Antiquities, that behave similar to our existing Antiquity categories (can be Registered by players at an Antiquity Manifest)
  • There is a new Achievement under the Luxury category for players registering Thief Antiquities

Thieves Codex

  • Thieves Codexes can be crafted with the Inscription skill
  • Players who are members of the Thieves Guild can utilize a Thieves Codex to supplement their thievery against Creatures (bonuses will not apply towards players)
  • Read more about the Thieves Codex

Book of Grifts

  • Thieves can now purchase a Book of Grifts from the Prevalia Market (same price/category as Book of Grudges)
  • The Book of Grifts functions similarly to the Book of Grudges, however instead of kills, it tracks successful Stealing and Snooping actions the player makes towards other non-friendly (non-Green) players