See a showcase of tested, viable Progression Paths for the Tamer Archetype. General Informations:
- Tamer is a Jack of All Trades and a very popular Archetype choice
- Beginner friendly, strong Midgame, pets lack survivability in endgame
- Command Aspect and the Skill Scrolls to get above 100 Taming/Lore can be expensive
- See weekly Zoology Guild for bonuses
Basic Mage Tamer (700 skill points)
100 Strength
25 Dexterity
100 Intelligence
100 Animal Taming
100 Animal Lore
100 Magery
100 Meditation
100 Herding
100 Veterinary
100 Tracking or Focus
- Playstyle: Pets Kill, you heal the tank, and do dmg for the Grimoire
- Starting Skills: 50 Taming, 49 Magery, 1 Meditation
- Training Credits: 50 Animal Lore, 50 Herding
- Gear Recommendation: Leatherarmor, Magical Spellbook with high potency
- Book/Codice/Kit Required: Wizard's Grimoire, Taming Bestiary
- Aspect Recommendation: Command
- Misc: Take Focus for more mana refund or Tracking for passive hostile tracking
Basic Dex Tamer (700 skill points)
100 Strength
100 Dexterity
25 Intelligence
100 Animal Taming
100 Animal Lore
100 Veterinary
100 Fencing or Archery
100 Tactics
100 Tracking or Herding
80 Focus, Parrying or Camping
20 Alchemy
- Playstyle: Pets Kill, you heal the tank, and deal dmg too
- Starting Skills: 50 Taming, 49 Lore, 1 Weapon Skill
- Training Credits: 50 Veterinary, 49 Weapon Skill
- Gear Recommendation: Plate, 1h Fencing Weapon or Bow/Xbow
- Book/Codice/Kit Required: Weapon Codex, Taming Bestiary
- Aspect Recommendation: Water, Air, Command
- Misc: Air/Water are cheaper options, Parry Codex if parrying
Basic Bard Tamer (700 skill points)
100 Strength
25 Dexterity
100 Intelligence
100 Animal Taming
100 Animal Lore
100 Musicianship or Provocation
100 Peacemaking
100 Discordance
100 Magery
100 Meditation or Herding
- Playstyle: Peace and/or provoke mobs, while using pets to kill
- Starting Skills: 50 Taming, 49 Lore, 1 Music
- Training Credits: 50 Magery, 49 Peacemaking
- Gear Recommendation: Leather, Spellbook
- Book/Codice/Kit Required: Taming Bestiary, Bard Codex, Wizard's Grimoire
- Aspect Recommendation: Lyric, Command
- Misc: Need 6 points in Bard Codex - Self Taught to go Provocation

Mage Refund Tamer (720 skill points)
100 Strength
25 Dexterity
100 Intelligence
120 Animal Taming
120 Animal Lore
120 Herding
100 Magery
100 Meditation
100 Focus
60 Taste Identification
- Playstyle: Heal Tank Pet while other Pets kill and add spell damage
- Gear Recommendations: Magic Spellbook (eminently or better)
- Book/Codice/Kit Requirements: Wizard's Grimoire, Taming Bestiary
- Aspect Recommendations: Command
- Link Advice: Follower Damage, Follower Swing Speed, Spell Aspect Chance
- Misc:
Archery Dexxer Tamer (720 skill points)
100 Strength
100 Dexterity
25 Intelligence
120 Animal Taming
120 Animal Lore
120 Veterinary
120 Herding
80 Archery
80 Tactics
80 Focus, Camping, or Arms Lore
- Playstyle: Heal Tank Pet while other Pets kill, while you do damage with weapons
- Gear Recommendations: Bow or Crossbow
- Book/Codice/Kit Requirements: Archery Codex, Taming Bestiary
- Aspect Recommendations: Command
- Link Advice: Follower Damage, Follower Attack Speed, Melee Aspect Special Chance
Wild Herdy Tribard Tamer (700 skill points)
100 Strength
25 Dexterity
100 Intelligence
120 Animal Taming
120 Animal Lore
100 Provocation
100 Peacemaking
100 Discordance
100 Herding
80 Veterinary or Magery
- Playstyle: Peace and/or provoke mobs, while using pets to kill
- Starting Skills: 50 Taming, 49 Lore, 1 Music
- Training Credits: 50 Magery, 49 Peacemaking
- Gear Recommendation: Leather, Spellbook
- Book/Codice/Kit Required: Taming Bestiary, Bard Codex
- Aspect Recommendation: Lyric, Command
- Misc: Need 6 points in Bard Codex - Self Taught to go Provocation