Main Page

From UO Outlands Wiki
Revision as of 21:54, 26 June 2023 by Expo (talk | contribs)
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You have reached the official wiki of Outlands, a truly one of a kind (and free-to-play) Ultima Online shard. We appreciate and thank you for your interest in joining our community!
As content is constantly under development, some information might be outdated, in which case, please send Outlands Staff a message in Discord and we'll take a look at it. Due to the open world nature of Outlands and all the possibilities available, the Wiki is meant to be informative, not prescriptive.

Mid-Sea Naval Event

The ebb and flow of the Mid-Sea brings a torrent of new treasures and rare loot fit for a smuggler! Template:RaresMidSea

Main Pages

Popular Pages

New Player Info



Our World

History & Lore

Unique Systems

Help & Support

Player vs Player

Player vs Monster