Skills & Stats

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Many skills in the Outlands have been improved upon (such as Spirit Speak, Camping, Forensic Evaluation, etc), so it is important to learn what every skill does. Some skills (such as Throwing, Imbuing, etc) are listed but not in use on the shard. You can find detailed information about every skill below.









  • Bushido
  • Chivalry
  • Focus
  • Imbuing
  • Mysticism
  • Necromancy
  • Spellweaving
  • Throwing

Trainable Skills from NPCs

To train a skill from a NPC:

  • Single-click and select the Skill from the context menu
  • Drop Gold or Training Credits onto the NPC

Below are the skills that NPCs can train:

By Skill

Alchemy Alchemist, Herbalist
Anatomy Butcher, Healer,
Animal Lore Stablemaster
Animal Taming Stablemaster
Archery Bowyer, Ranger
Arms Lore Armorer, Blacksmith, Weaponsmith
Begging Beggar
Blacksmithy Armorer, Blacksmith, Weaponsmith
Camping Beggar, Farmer, Ranger
Carpentry Bowyer, Carpenter, Lumberjack
Cartography Dockmaster, Mapmaker
Chivalry Paladin
Cooking Baker, Butcher, Farmer
Detecting Hidden Beggar, Ranger, Thief
Discordance Bard
Evaluating Int Mage
Fencing Weaponsmith
Fishing Dockmaster, Fisher, Shipwright
Forensic Eval Butcher, Healer, Tanner
Healing Healer
Herding Stablemaster
Hiding Ranger, Thief
Inscription Scribe
Item ID Banker, Beggar, Provisioner, Jeweler
Lockpicking Thief, Tinker
Lumberjacking Bowyer, Carpenter, Lumberjack
Mace Fighting Weaponsmith
Magery Mage, Scribe
Meditation Mage
Mining Miner
Musicianship Bard
Necromancy Necromancer
Parrying Armorer, Weaponsmith
Peacemaking Bard
Poisoning Alchemist, Herbalist, Thief
Provocation Bard
Resisting Spells Mage
Snooping Thief
Spirit Speaking Healer, Mage, Scribe
Stealing Thief
Stealth Ranger, Thief
Swordsmanship Lumberjack, Weaponsmith
Tactics Weaponsmith
Tailoring Armorer, Cobbler, Tailor
Taste ID Alchemist, Baker, Cook
Tinkering Tinker
Tracking Dockmaster, Ranger
Veterinary Stablemaster
Wrestling Blacksmith, Healer, Mage


Alchemist Alchemy, Poisoning, Taste ID
Armorer Arms Lore, Blacksmithy, Tailoring, Parrying
Baker Cooking, Taste ID
Banker Item ID
Bard Discordance, Musicianship, Peacemaking, Provocation
Beggar Begging, Camping, Detecting Hidden, Item ID
Blacksmith Arms Lore, Blacksmithy, Wrestling
Bowyer Archery, Carpentry, Lumberjacking
Butcher Anatomy, Cooking, Forensic Eval, Taste ID
Carpenter Carpentry, Lumberjacking
Cobbler Tailoring, Lumberjacking
Cook Cooking, Taste ID
Dockmaster Cartography, Fishing, Tracking
Farmer Camping, Cooking, Lumberjacking
Fisher Fishing
Herbalist Alchemy, Poisoning, Taste ID
Jeweler Item ID
Lumberjack Camping, Lumberjacking, Swordsmanship
Mage Evaluating Int, Magery, Meditation, Resisting Spells, Spirit Speaking, Wrestling
Mapmaker Cartography
Miner Camping, Mining
Provisioner Camping, Item ID
Ranger Archery, Camping, Detecting Hidden, Hiding, Stealth, Tracking
Scribe Inscription, Magery, Spirit Speaking
Shipwright Carpentry, Fishing
Stablemaster Animal Lore, Animal Taming, Herding, Veterinary
Tailor Tailoring
Tanner Forensic Eval, Tailoring
Thief Detecting Hidden, Hiding, Lockpicking, Poisoning, Snooping, Stealing, Stealth
Tinker Lockpicking, Tinkering
Weaponsmith Arms Lore, Blacksmithy, Fencing, Macing, Parrying, Swordsmanship, Tactics

Skill Mastery

  • Skill Mastery refers to the ability of players to increase their Total Skill Cap and Skill Cap for individual skills
  • Read more details at Skill Mastery


The three stats are Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence. You can have a total of 225 stat points, so as you get near the cap you can use the arrows to adjust the way that you will gain one stat and lose another.

  • Strength: determines how many Hit Points you have and how much you can carry
  • Dexterity: determines how fast you can attack, how fast bandages heal, and how much Stamina you have
  • Intelligence: determines how much Mana you have to cast spells with

Buff Bar