A selection of Templates that dont exactly fit other Archetypes and maybe use specific systems (like the Backstabber) to work.
Basic Backstabber (700 skill points)
100 Strength
100 Dexterity
25 Intelligence
100 Macefighting or Fencing
100 Tactics
100 Hiding
100 Stealth
100 Stealing
100 Snooping
100 Tracking or Camping
- Playstyle: Familiarize with the hide/Stealth Mechanic. Corners are your friend for re-hiding Purpose.
- Gear Recommendations: Burst Weapon for backstab, Grinding Light/Medium for follow up if needed
- Book/Codice/Kit Requirements: Thieves Codex, Macefighting or Fencing Codex
- Aspect Required: Shadow is mandatory
- Misc: A unique playstyle, which is extremely safe from PK's (with Tracking)
- Carry a couple Smokebombs for additional Safety
- Use potions for additional healing, or take Chivalry instead of Tracking/Camping to start
- Must join the Thieves Guild (Grey or Red Hand) to level Thieves Codex
Advanced Party Tank (720 Skillpoints)
100 Strength
100 Dexterity
25 Intelligence
120 Blacksmithing or Item Identification
120 Chivalry
100 Tactics
80 Mace Fighting
80 Anatomy
80 Healing
80 Parrying
60 Resisting Spells
- Playstyle: Tank heavy damage, while offering up buffs, and area heals
- Gear Recommendations: Grinding Light Mace, Platemail + Shield
- Book/Codice/Kit Requirements: Chivalry Book, Macefighting Codex, Healer's Codex
- Aspect Recommendations: Artisan, Earth, Holy
- Link Recos: Melee Aspect Chance, Melee Aspect Effect, Melee Damage/Armor Ignore
- Misc: Very niche build for a high end tank build for group play.
- 120 Blacksmith / Artisan is extremely expensive
- Item ID / Earth or Holy is a cheaper alternative, but offers less party buffs.

Advanced Mugger (Skinner) (720 Skillpoints)
100 Strength
100 Dexterity
25 Intelligence
120 Stealth
120 Camping
110 Forensic Evaluation
100 Hiding
100 Stealing
90 Tracking
80 Mace Fighting or Fencing
- Playstyle: Use Blackguard or Wild Swing stance - while mugging your mobs, then skinning them
- Gear Recommendation: Burst Weapon for backstab, Grinding Light/Medium for follow up if needed
- Book/Codice/Kit Required: Thieves Codex, Macefighting or Fencing Codex
- Aspect Required: Shadow
- Link Recommendation: Backstab Damage, Damage Above 66% HP, Melee Damage/Armor Ignore
- Misc: You need an already leveled Thieves Codex for this template to work.
- Carry Smokebombs to escape from PKs.
Advanced Mugger (Healer) (720 Skillpoints)
100 Strength
100 Dexterity
25 Intelligence
120 Stealth
100 Camping
100 Hiding
80 Mace Fighting or Fencing
80 Stealing
80 Forensic Evaluation or Tracking
80 Healing
80 Anatomy
- Playstyle: Use Blackguard or Wild Swing stance - while mugging your mobs with Thieves Codex
- Gear Recommendation: Burst Weapon for backstab, Grinding Light/Medium for follow up if needed
- Book/Codice/Kit Required: Thieves Codex, Macefighting or Fencing Codex, Healer's Codex
- Aspect Required: Shadow
- Link Recommendation: Backstab Damage, Damage Above 66% HP, Melee Damage/Armor Ignore
- Misc: You need an already leveled Thieves Codex for this template to work.
- Carry Smokebombs to escape from PKs.
- For bonus karma use the Healing Codex to resurrect people
Advanced Party Healer (720 Skillpoints)
100 Strength
25 Dexterity
100 Intelligence
120 Chivalry
100 Magery
100 Tactics
90 Spirit Speak
80 Wrestling
80 Meditation
80 Parrying
70 Resisting Spells
- Playstyle: Throw out direct heals, area heals, and instant resurrections to keep the party alive
- Gear Recommendations: Leather Armor, Magic Spell book for mana refund
- Book/Codice/Kit Requirements: Chivalry Book, Wizard's Grimoire, Summoner's Tome
- Aspect Recommendations: Water, Void
- Link Recommendations: Effect Magic Resist, Meditation Rate/Disrupt Avoid Chance
- Misc: Really Niche Build for group content - very little offensive capability
- There are plenty of options with this support build including Focus, Necromancy etc.