Follower Abilities

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Most tameable creatures have one or more follower abilities' each of one of three types passive, innate and cooldown. These abilities range from healing to damage, special attacks to allowing the creature to carry items and more.

Ability Types

Category Description
Innate Always active for that creature
Passive Percentual chance to trigger on each hit or on damage taken
Cooldown Triggered once and then only again after the cooldown period

All Abilities

Ability Type Description Creatures
Web Cooldown Has a (5 + (Control Slots * 5%)) chance on melee attack to hinder creatures for 3 seconds or hamstring players for 2 seconds.Colossal Trapdoor Spider
Black Widow
Sword Spider
Giant Spider
Colossal Black Widow
Giant Trapdoor Spider
Giant Black Widow
Trapdoor Spider
Swamp Spider
Charge Cooldown Teleports to a location up to 12 tiles away, hitting up to 3 targets within 1 tile. Inflicts (DamageMax * 0.8) damage, with the first target hit taking +50% damage.Hellhound
Searing Bullvore
Swarmstrike Cooldown Has a 15% chance on melee attack to apply a cripple effect of (Control Slots * 2%) and pierce effect of (Control Slots * 10) for 15 seconds.Giant Locust
Army Ant
Hunting Web Cooldown Teleports to a location up to 12 tiles away, hitting up to 3 targets within 2 tiles. Inflicts (DamageMax * 0.75) damage, with the first target hit taking +50% damage. Will also hinder creatures for 3 seconds or hamstring players for 2 seconds.Colossal Huntsman
Epic Barrage Cooldown Fires projectiles at a target up to 12 tiles away, dealing 3 hits that each inflict (DamageMax * 0.6) damage that ignores armor.Phoenix
Fire Elemental
Crush Cooldown Has a 15% chance on melee attack apply a pierce effect of (10 * Control Slots) for 15 seconds. If successful, has a (10% * Control Slot) chance to Hinder creatures for 3 seconds or Hamstring players for 2 seconds.Deep Crawler
Sand Crawler
Fire Crawler
Searing Lizard
Sand Crab
Monitor Hatchling
Husk Crab
Dust Up Innate Creature gains 15% damage resistance for 5 seconds after landing a melee backstab.Sandstalker
Flurry Cooldown Fires a projectile at a target up to 6 tiles away, inflicting (DamageMax * 1.3) damage and applying a chill effect of (Control Slots * 2%) for 60 seconds (stacks up to 25%).Snowdrift
Swamp Breath Cooldown Fires at a target up to 12 tiles away which inflicts (DamageMax * 1.25) damage. Has a (Control Slots * 20%) chance to entangle creatures for 5 seconds (will not affect players). Has a poisoning skill % chance to apply greater poison.Swamp Drake
Swamp Dragon
Blood Frenzy Cooldown Consumes up to 10 blood within 6 tiles to increase melee attack speed by (7.5% + (Blood Consumed * 0.5%)) for 30 seconds (cannot stack).Blood Hunter
Blood Ape
Air Breath Cooldown Fires a projectile at a target up to 12 tiles away, dealing (DamageMax * 1.5) damage and applying a weaken effect of (Control Slots * 4%) for 15 seconds.Air Dragon
Air Drake
Magic Reflect Cooldown Applies the magic reflect spell to the creature.Sphinx
Temple Guardian
Fury Innate Damage Dealt increased by 5% for every 30 seconds alive (max +30%).Vampire Thrall
Slime Barrage Innate Creature makes its normal melee attacks as ranged attacks up to 12 tiles away.Colossal Swamp Slug
Void Slime
Giant Swamp Slug
Dung Roller Cooldown Sends a rolling ball that will travel up to 12 tiles, hitting up to 3 targets in its path. Inflicts (DamageMax * 0.5) damage as well as (DamageMax * 0.25) disease damage every 5 seconds for 20 seconds. First target hit will take +25% damage and +12.5% disease damage.Colossal Dung Beetle
Fire Breath Cooldown Fires a projectile at a target up to 12 tiles away, dealing (DamageMax * 1.5) damage.Hellhound
Fiery Leaper
Dragon Whelp
Drake Whelp
Constrict Cooldown Has a (5% + (Control Slots * 5%)) chance on melee hit to entangle creature for 4 seconds and inflict (DamageMax * 2.0) which ignores half of target's armor.Colossal Boa
Massive Ice Breath Cooldown Fires projectiles in a cone, hitting up to 3 targets. Inflicts (DamageMax * 0.8) damage which ignores armor, and the first target hit taking +50% damage. Applies a chill effect of (Control Slots * 2%) for 60 seconds (stacks up to 25%).White Wyrmling
White Wyrm
Spellchill Passive Has a 15% chance on spellcast to inflict an additional (DamageMax * 0.75) damage that ignores armor and applies a chill effect of (Control Slots * 2%) for 60 seconds (stacks up to 25%).Frost Mephit
Massive Ruby Breath Cooldown Fires projectiles in a long narrow cone, hitting up to 3 targets. Inflicts (DamageMax * 0.5) damage, with the first target hit taking +50% damage. Applies a pierce effect of (Control Slots * 10) for 30 seconds, with damage increased by 50% if target reduced to 0 armor.Ruby Wyrmling
Ruby Wyrm
Bad Luck Passive Has a 15% chance when taking damage to inflict that damage (ignoring armor) also onto the attacker, with damage amount capped at (DamageMax * 1.0).Black Cat
Backstab Innate If stealthed, creature's next melee attack gains +25% accuracy and deals +150% damage.Colossal Trapdoor Spider
Giant Chameleon
Smoke Faerie Dragon
Smoke Drake
Smoke Dragon
Temple Guardian
Giant Trapdoor Spider
Trapdoor Spider
Shade Wolf
Dig Cooldown Teleports to a location up to 12 tiles away, hitting up to 3 targets within 2 tiles. Inflicts (DamageMax * 0.75) damage, with the first target hit taking +50% damage.Antlion
Corpse Barrage Innate Creature makes its normal melee attacks as ranged attacks up to 12 tiles away. Hits have a 15% chance to inflict (DamageMax * 0.5) disease damage every 5 seconds for 20 seconds.Corpse Purger
Spellburn Passive Has a 15% chance on spellcast to inflict an additional (DamageMax * 1.0) damage that ignores armor to the target.Bonfire Wisp
Fire Mephit
Searing Imp
Fire Minion
Regeneration Passive If below 66% hit points, will restore 5% of maximum health (has 15 second cooldown).Giant Poison Dart Frog
Sand Muck
Void Slime
Colossal Frog
Colossal Poison Dart Frog
Giant Frog
Aegis Slime
Shallow Water
Discharge Innate Melee attacks have a 10% chance to restore 5% Health and to inflict an additional (DamageMax * 2.0) damage which ignores armor.Energy Vortex
Jackel Spirit
Chill Touch Passive Has a 15% chance on melee attack to inflict (DamageMax * 0.9) damage and apply a chill effect of (Control Slots * 2%) for the next 60 seconds (stacks up to 25%).White Wyrmling
Arctic Bullvore
White Wyrm
Colossal Frost Scorpion
Rime Guar
Winter Wolf
Eversion Passive Has a 15% chance on successful melee attack to lose 3% of its own health, but will inflict (DamageMax * 0.75) disease damage every 5 seconds for 20 seconds.Entozoon
Disease Passive Has a 15% chance on melee attack to inflict (DamageMax * 0.5) disease damage every 5 seconds for 20 seconds.Black Widow
Devourer Beetle
Colossal Black Widow
Giant Rat
Giant Black Widow
Corpse Purger
Carrion Beetle
Aegis Rat
Corpse Eater
Venom Barrage Innate Creature makes its normal melee attacks as ranged attacks up to 12 tiles away. Has a (50% * (poisoning skill / 100)) chance on hit to apply greater poison Venom Barrage will have a range of 8 in PvPColossal Spitting Viper
Giant Spitting Viper
Spitting Viper
Giant Corpse Barrage Cooldown Deals 2 melee hits on a target up to 12 tiles away with each hit having a 7.5% chance to inflict (DamageMax * 0.5) disease damage every 5 seconds for 20 seconds.Corpse Purger
Grasp Passive Has a (5% + (Control Slots * 5%)) chance on melee hit to entangle creatures for 6 seconds or hamstring players for 2 seconds.Cave Gorger
Blood Gorger
Spellshield Passive Spells cast onto the creature have a 15% chance to increase its magic resist skill by (Control Slots * 100) for 3 seconds.Lemura
Eldritch Dragon
Eldritch Drake
Drowned Barrage Cooldown Fires projectiles in a 6 tile radius, hitting up to to 5 targets. Inflicts (DamageMax * 0.75) damage, with the first target hit taking +50% damage. Applies a cripple effect of (Control Slots * 2%) and pierce effect of (Control Slots * 5) for 15 seconds.Drowned Dragon
Concussion Breath Cooldown Fires a projectile at a target up to 12 tiles away, inflicting (DamageMax * 1.75) damage that ignores half of target's armor. Damage is increased by 50% if tamer has a barding effect active on the target.Azure Wyrm
Azure Wyrmling
Spellcrush Passive Has a 15% chance on spellcast to inflict an additional (DamageMax * 0.50) damage that ignores armor and applies a pierce effect of (Control Slots * 10) for 15 seconds.Earth Mephit
Chilled Charge Cooldown Teleports to a location up to 12 tiles away, hitting up to 3 targets within 1 tile. Inflicts (DamageMax * 0.7) damage, with the first target hit taking +50% damage. Applies a chill effect of (Control Slots * 2%) for the next 60 seconds (stacks up to 25%).Sabeartooth
Arctic Bullvore
Earth Seeds Passive Has a 15% chance on spellcast to inflict (DamageMax * 1.0) bleed damage over 15 seconds.Arboreal Wisp
Darkstrike Cooldown Detonates a location 1 tile away, hitting up to 3 targets within 3 tiles. Inflicts (DamageMax * 0.25) damage that ignores half of target's armor and also inflicts (DamageMax * 0.33) disease damage every 5 seconds over 20 seconds. The first target hit also takes +33% normal and disease damage.Darkscale
Blood Expertise Cooldown Consumes up to 10 blood within 6 tiles to increase accuracy by (10% + (Blood Consumed * 0.75%)) for 30 seconds (cannot stack).Blood Serpent
Steam Cloud Cooldown Immediate enters stealth, hitting up to 3 targets within 3 tiles. Inflicts (DamageMax * 0.65) damage which ignores armor, with the first target hit taking +50% damage.Smoke Faerie Dragon
Smoke Drake
Smoke Dragon
Tranquility Cooldown Fires projectiles at a target up to 12 tiles away, dealing 3 hits that each inflict (DamageMax * 0.4) damage that ignores armor. Also applies a hex effect of (Control Slots * 25) and a weaken effect of (Control Slots * 4%) for 15 seconds.Bird Of Paradise
Enrage Passive Has a 15% chance on melee attack to increase melee damage by 20% for 30 seconds (cannot stack).Corrupted Hornbeast
Frigid Hornbeast
Skeletal Knight
Grizzly Bear
Brown Bear
Black Bear
Polar Bear
Cave Bear
Vanish Cooldown Creature immediately enters stealth.Colossal Trapdoor Spider
Giant Chameleon
Temple Guardian
Giant Trapdoor Spider
Trapdoor Spider
Shade Wolf
Weaken Passive Has a 15% chance on attack to apply a weaken effect of (Control Slots * 4%) for 15 seconds.Shadow Minion
Weakening Web Cooldown Has a (5 + (Control Slots * 5%)) chance on melee attack to hinder creatures for 3 seconds or hamstring players for 2 seconds. Also applies a weaken effect of (Control Slots * 4%) for 15 seconds.Gargantua Spider
Grit Passive If below 33% hit points, will restore 15% of maximum health (has 15 second cooldown).Fortress Beetle
Spellbreak Passive Has a 15% chance on spellcast to inflict an additional (DamageMax * 0.5) damage that ignores armor and applies a hex effect of (Control Slots * 15) for 15 seconds.Eldritch Mephit
Mirror Cooldown Spells cast onto the creature have a 15% chance to be reflected back onto the caster.Aegis Leech
Aegis Whelp
Aegis Asp
Fortress Beetle
Aegis Minion
Aegis Slime
Aegis Rat
Aegis Scorpion
Water Elemental
Aegis Mongbat
Aegis Imp
Rag Witch
Diversion Innate Creature has reduced Aggro.Blade Spirit
Skeletal Husk
Barb Swarm Cooldown Fires projectiles at a location up to 12 tiles away hitting up to 4 targets within 2 tiles. Inflicts (DamageMax * 1.0) bleed damage over for 15 seconds, with the first target hit taking +50% damage.Barbed Prowler
Elusive Form Innate Creature has an innate 25 parry skill against melee attacks.Shadow Prowler
Bonfire Wisp
Sand Muck
Arboreal Wisp
Volt Wisp
Void Slime
Smoke Faerie Dragon
Smoke Drake
Smoke Dragon
Aegis Slime
Water Elemental
Shallow Water
Rag Witch
Bog Barrage Cooldown Fires 3 waves of projectiles in a 8 tile radius, with each wave hitting up to 6 targets. Each hit inflicts (DamageMax * 0.33) damage and has a 10% chance to inflict (DamageMax * 0.25) disease damage every 5 seconds for 20 seconds.Bogyugh
Blood Breath Cooldown Fires a projectile at a target up to 12 tiles away, inflicting (DamageMax * 1.0) bleed damage over 15 seconds.Bloodskipper
Corruption Blast Cooldown Fires a projectile at a location up to 6 tiles away, hitting up to 3 targets within 1 tile. Inflicts (DamageMax * 0.33) disease damage every 5 seconds for 20 seconds, with the first target hit taking +33% damage.Corrupted Hornbeast
Poisoneater Shield Cooldown Cures poison and heals 5% of maximum health.Colossal Swamp Beetle
Giant Swamp Beetle
Brass Tacks Cooldown If creature has a Brass Shield effect active, will consume the effect and fires 5 projectiles at a target up to 12 tiles away, each inflicting (DamageMax * 0.33) damage. Applies a cripple effect of (Control Slots * 4%) for the next 15 seconds.Brasshopper
Brass Shield Cooldown Applies the reactive armor spell to the creature, with 150 total damage reduction.Brasshopper
Dreamlull Passive Has a 15% chance on spellcast to apply a hex effect of (Control Slots * 25) for 15 seconds. Will also hinder creatures for (Control Slots * 1) seconds or hamstring players for 2 seconds.Incubus
Shadowstrikes Innate Melee attacks ignore 33% of target's armor.Shadow Prowler
Primal Rage Cooldown Has a 15% chance on melee attack or being hit in melee to increase attack speed by 15% and melee damage by 30% for 8 seconds.Savage Primordial
Giant Blood Barrage Cooldown Deals 2 melee hits on a target up to 12 tiles away with each hit having a 7.5% chance to inflict Bleed ability on target.Blood Purger
Giant Blood Purger
Spelleater Shield Cooldown Reflects a magic spell and heals 5% of maximum health.Giant Crystal Beetle
Colossal Crystal Beetle
Burrow Cooldown Has a 15% chance on melee attack to inflict (DamageMax * 2.0) bleed damage over 15 seconds.Aegis Leech
Spine Barrage Cooldown Fires projectiles in a 8 tile radius, hitting up to 6 targets. Inflicts (DamageMax * 0.75) damage, with the first target hit taking +50% damage.Otyugh
Spellvenom Cooldown Has a 10% chance on spellcast to apply Greater Poison. Inflicts (DamageMax * 0.5) damage if target already has greater poison or above.Poison Mephit
Reactive Armor Cooldown Applies the reactive armor spell to the creature, with 100 total damage reduction.Sphinx
Temple Guardian
Earth Breath Cooldown Fires a projectile at a target up to 12 tiles away, inflicting (DamageMax * 1.75) damage.Earth Drake
Earth Dragon
Bleed Passive Has a 15% chance on melee attack to inflict (DamageMax * 1.0) bleed damage over 15 seconds.Blood Purger
Blood Serpent
Blood Gorger
Giant Bat
Searing Mantis
Blood Scorpion
Tidal Mantis
Blood Hunter
Jungle Mantis
Giant Blood Purger
Decaying Dragon
Blood Drake
Blood Dragon
Cave Bat
Blood Ape
Vampire Bat
Flesheater Cooldown Hits up to 3 targets within 3 tiles, inflicting (DamageMax * 0.75) bleed damage over 15 seconds, with the first target hit taking +50% bleed damage. Will restore (Targets Hit * 2%) of maximum health.Decaying Dragon
Devour Cooldown Can consume nearby corpses to heal 15% of maximum health.Bonehorn
Devourer Beetle
Vampire Bat
Massive Fire Breath Cooldown Fires projectiles in a cone, hitting up to 3 targets. Inflicts (DamageMax * 0.9) damage, with the first target hit taking +50% damage.Ember Dragon
Ember Drake
War Stomp Cooldown Hits up to 3 targets within 3 tiles, inflicting (DamageMax * 1.25) with first target hit also taking +50% damage.Giant Strider
Colossal Strider
Giant Fire Barrage Cooldown Inflicts 2 melee hits on a target up to 12 tiles away.Flame Purger
Frigid Blast Cooldown Fires a projectile at a location up to 6 tiles away, hitting up to 3 targets within 1 tile. Inflicts (DamageMax * 0.75) damage, with the first target hit taking +50% damage. Applies a chill effect of (Control Slots * 2%) for 60 seconds (stacks up to 25%).Frigid Hornbeast
Massive Dusk Breath Cooldown Fires projectiles in a cone, hitting up to 3 targets. Inflicts (DamageMax * 0.7) damage which ignores armor, with the first target hit taking +50% damage. Applies a weaken effect of (Control Slots * 3%) for 15 seconds.Dusk Drake
Dusk Dragon
Sandblast Cooldown Teleports to a location up to 12 tiles away, hitting up to 3 targets within 2 tiles. Inflicts (DamageMax * 0.25) damage and applies a pierce effect of (Control Slots * 15) for 15 seconds.Sand Muck
Cleave Innate Successful melee attacks inflict an additional (DamageMax * 0.6) damage to a random target within 2 tiles.Skeletal Fiend
Air Elemental
Fiery Dig Cooldown Teleports to a location up to 12 tiles away, hitting up to 3 targets within 2 tiles. Inflicts (DamageMax * 0.9) damage against, with the first target hit taking +50% damage.Radiant Burrowbug
Frenzy Passive Has a 15% chance on melee attack to increase attack speed by 10% for 30 seconds (cannot stack).Shadow Prowler
Giant Chameleon
Black Cat
Frenzied Ostard
Tundra Ostard
Desert Ostard
Barbed Prowler
Aegis Whelp
Primordial Whelp
Fire Salamander
Shade Wolf
Winter Wolf
Blood Shield Cooldown Consumes up to 10 blood within 6 tiles to increase magic resist by (60 + (Blood Consumed * 4)) for 30 seconds (cannot stack).Blood Scorpion
Spellsurge Passive Has a 15% chance on spellcast to increase Damage of the next spellcast within 10 seconds by 125%.Wisp
Glowmark Cooldown Fires a projectile at a target up to 12 tiles away that applies a cripple effect of (Control Slots * 5%) and increases their damage taken from provoked, uncontrolled creatures by 25% for the next 15 seconds.Glowworm
Mule Innate Creature is a pack animal with a capacity of 50 Stones per Control Slot.Hellhound
Colossal Blazing Beetle
Radiant Burrowbug
Colossal Dung Beetle
Deep Crawler
Devourer Beetle
Searing Bullvore
Sand Crawler
Colossal Swamp Beetle
Giant Crystal Beetle
Giant Swamp Beetle
Giant Strider
Giant Sandroach
Colossal Strider
Colossal Crystal Beetle
Arctic Bullvore
Fire Beetle
Rime Guar
Rock Guar
Fire Barrage Innate Creature makes its normal melee attacks as ranged attacks up to 12 tiles away.Flame Purger
Air Shield Cooldown Creates a shield around the creature that increases accuracy and melee defense by 15% for 60 seconds (cannot stack).Air Dragon
Air Drake
Rooted Innate Creature is immune to Knockback effects and has increased Aggro.Earth Elemental
Ancient Mummy
Flamestrike Passive Has a 15% chance on melee attack to inflict (DamageMax * 1.0) damage.Hellhound
Colossal Blazing Beetle
Radiant Burrowbug
Fiery Leaper
Searing Mantis
Searing Bullvore
Ember Dragon
Colossal Searing Scorpion
Fire Crawler
Ember Drake
Fire Beetle
Searing Lizard
Molten Mongbat
Fire Salamander
Fire Ant
Massive Bone Breath Cooldown Fires projectiles in a cone, hitting up to 3 targets. Inflicts (DamageMax * 0.75) damage, with the first target hit taking +50% damage. Applies a pierce effect of (Control Slots * 10) for 15 seconds.Skeletal Dragon
Scorching Breath Cooldown Fires a projectile at a target up to 12 tiles away, dealing (DamageMax * 1.5) damage that ignores half of target's armor and increases the damage creature deals to target by 10% for 60 seconds (stacks up to +30%).Sun Wyrm
Sun Wyrmling
Spellblight Passive Has a 15% chance on spellcast to inflict (DamageMax * 0.5) disease damage every 5 seconds for 20 seconds.Blightmare
Soak Passive Has a 15% on a melee attack to apply a cripple effect of (Control Slots * 3%) for 15 seconds.Tidal Mantis
Shallow Water
Poison Dig Cooldown Teleports to a location up to 12 tiles away, hitting up to 3 targets within 2 tiles. Inflicts (DamageMax * 0.75) damage and applies greater poison, with damage increased by 50% if target already has greater poison or above.Ankheg
Manticore Venom Cooldown Places a delayed effect on a target 1 tile away, that will deal (DamageMax * 2.0) damage after 10 seconds pass, which will ignore target's armor.Manticore
Eldritch Breath Cooldown Fires a projectile at a target up to 12 tiles away, inflicting (DamageMax * 1.5) damage and applying a hex effect of (Control Slots * 15) for 15 seconds.Eldritch Dragon
Eldritch Drake
Blood Barrage Innate Create makes its normal melee attacks as ranged attacks up to 12 tiles away. Hits have a 15% chance to inflict Bleed ability on target.Blood Purger
Giant Blood Purger
Massive Blood Breath Cooldown Fires projectiles in a cone, hitting against up to 3 targets. Inflicts (DamageMax * 1.0) bleed damage over for 15 seconds, with the first target hit taking +50% damage.Blood Drake
Blood Dragon
Warpigment Passive Has a 15% chance on melee attack to increase melee damage and accuracy by 10% for 60 seconds (can stack up to 30%).Warpig
Swordspin Passive Has a 15% chance on melee attack to inflict (DamageMax * 1.25) bleed damage over 15 seconds on target. Will also inflict (DamageMax * 0.75) bleed damage over 15 seconds on two additional targets within 1 tile of defender.Sword Spider
Massive Water Breath Cooldown Fires projectiles in a cone, hitting up to 3 targets. Inflicts (DamageMax * 0.8) damage, with the first target hit taking +50% damage. Applies a cripple effect of (Control Slots * 4%) for 15 seconds.Water Drake
Water Dragon
Earth Shield Cooldown Creates a shield around the creature that increases melee damage by 15% and armor by 30 for 60 seconds (cannot stack).Earth Drake
Earth Dragon
Shock Passive Has a 15% chance on spellcast to deal (DamageMax * 1.0) damage that ignores armor to the target. Hinders creatures for (Control Slots * 1) seconds or hamstrings players for 2 seconds.Volt Wisp
Gore Passive Has a 15% chance on melee attack to inflict (DamageMax * 1.0) bleed damage over 15 seconds and apply a pierce effect of (15 * Control Slots) for 5 seconds.Bonehorn
Spellflaying Passive Has a 15% chance on spellcast to inflict (DamageMax * 1.0) bleed damage over 15 seconds.Blood Courser
Blood Mephit
Gorge Cooldown Inflicts (DamageMax * 2.0) damage against an entangled, hindered, or hamstrung target up to 1 tile away and restores 5% of maximum hit points.Cave Gorger
Blood Gorger
Fiery Charge Cooldown Teleports to a location up to 12 tiles away, hitting up to 3 targets within 3 tiles. Inflicts (DamageMax * 0.9) damage, with the first target hit taking +50% damage.Colossal Blazing Beetle